37: The Surprise Episode
In this episode, we talk about why we had to cancel the show late last week and why we did the show early this week. We talk through Monday's WWDC event held by Apple and discuss all the new software and some new hardware announced during the keynote.
Show Notes
- Theme Music
- Kyle's Tesla Service Appointment
- System Dark Mode
- Swype Keyboard
- Sign in With Apple
- Find My App
- Siri's New Voice
- External Storage
- Shared Audio
- Project Catalyst
- WatchOS
- TvOS
- Share Sheet Favorites
- Mac Pro
- Favorite Features
- Theme Music
Full Transcript
[Music] Welcome everybody to episode 37 of the coffee and code cast a live stream tech podcast where we talk about neither coffee or code Or sometimes both whatever the case may be I'm Kyle Johnson. Oh, oh you slid that one in hey buddy I'm like she had in town the cast we have some very exciting Tesla news which explains why we weren't here last week for That episode 37 part one and Ooh, Xbox Body Wash for the gamers out there. I'm not kidding, man. That's a real news story that's breaking on Twitter right now. - No, I didn't know that one. And we've got a new option for city commuters and scooter enthusiasts alike. That's coming up in the news. And finally, our topic today is the latest from Apple's Worldwide Developer Conference this week in Palo Alto. We got a lot to cover. Not a lot of time, so let's jump right in, buddy. - Welcome back to the show. Sorry, I missed last week. It was my fault. I was at the Tesla dealership. I like this. I should like this test the story for other ribbing that I give you about Tesla. Yeah, we're a day early. So we got a couple things. Why don't you fill us in? We missed last week and we're a daily. What the hell is going on here, man? Yeah, our schedule is all off. We thought we were doing really well with the schedule and now I've thrown it off and it's been my fault both times, but last week I was at the Tesla dealer thinking I was going to be in just a quick service appointment and what turned went from like something 15 minutes I don't think I got off till nine o'clock Pacific time. And so we thought we were going to be able to kick the show off maybe even just a little bit late, but that didn't happen. The whole history of the thing, I had a mobile service appointment that we've talked about here on the show. I was actually really impressed with the guys there and they did a great job. I identified a number of issues and triage them and everything was great. Over the, the takeaway from that was that they needed to order some parts, you know, that kind of thing and they would follow back up and they never did. So, you know, excuse me a month and a half later, I did a little chat follow up with their support, said what the hell's going on, where's my stuff, you know, give me a status update and they were like, oh, we don't see any record of anything. There's no parts ordered, no nothing. Well, we'll reach out to the mobile Tesla service guys and get back to you. We'll be in touch. Yeah. Well, two weeks later, I didn't hear anything, I was supposed to hear back, you know, mid that week. So finally, I kind of just got fed up and I emailed them and again, no response from that either. And so I just scheduled an appointment and I was like, I'm going to bring it in. I'm going to kind of lay on them everything that's wrong with it, which is what I did last Wednesday. And lo and behold, oddly, they had all the parts. Nothing was on back order. Imagine that. Yeah. So they fixed, we had a glove box issue, which is kind of a known issue, build issue with the cars. Nothing major. We had the front trunk. Wouldn't open anymore because of software. or if they hit that did and broke it. So they fixed that. And then we had another feature that's actually really awesome. And I'm disappointed that we didn't ever get it working, which is like the remote unlock. So I can walk up to it with my phone. And because it knows my phone, it'll basically unlock the car, or I can just pull the handle in and unlock itself, because it knows I'm in proximity. It's a pretty cool feature, actually. You don't have to get keys out. You don't have to worry about the-- because the other manual way got put the card in the middle right and all this bullshit. Right. Exactly. And yeah, this way it works both ways. So as you walk up and you open it, it unlocks and as you walk away, once you get certain distance, it'll lock it for you. So you just don't have to, it's like hassle free. Pretty nice action. Yeah. So they fixed that, that ended up being an actual bad part. One of the Bluetooth antennas was faulty. So that never worked from the point we got the car. And they fixed something else I can't remember which. But ultimately it took till nine o'clock at night to get all that gitch solved. So I was just sitting in here with all those cores lights, man, and the microphones or in conference room, maybe not this conference room. - Well, there's no proof of that anyway. (laughing) - You will never know. - Yeah, so that's what happened last week. So this week, we're doing this on a Tuesday because I have to fly back to the Old Midwest, had a death in the family, so we're recording day early. - Yeah, I'm sorry to hear about that man. You've had a few things going on this, like, this year, so. - It's been an unfortunate year in that respect, yeah. So, but the good news is I get to go back see the family, see everyone under poor terms, but it's good to see everybody and make it home every once in a while. For sure. Yeah. Good. So I fly out tomorrow, hence why we're doing the show today. And we have a lot of WWE DC news. So if you're an Apple fan, you're in luck. Oh, we're not. Yeah, there was a ton of news that came out of this one. So Apple has a few big ones every year, right? They've got, what's the hardware one? I'm bringing this up and I can't think of the name of it now. But they have one for all the hardware generally that they do. And this one is more software focused, the worldwide developer conference. And this is where they talk about the next version of the iOS software for your phone, for your iPads, for your laptops, and all the different things. And sometimes they do announce hardware too, but I don't think it's always been that way. Because they do, they do the iPhone hardware release in the fall sometimes. Yeah, oftentimes that's the big release for hardware, but they squeaked some out this this. They sure did as well. some great stuff this time too. So that was pretty cool. So lots to talk about in the Apple ecosystem, things that are changing, even if you just have like the Apple TV, there's some cool stuff there too. Right. Gaming. Pretty much every Apple platform was update. Really? Right. Right. A lot of good stuff. So yeah. Big changes. Before we get into that, I think a couple other quick news and notes that we have here. Number one, Mike here, the best Googler I know. I think he solved our camera problem. So I don't think this camera is going to be turning off anytime soon. Well, I could be a good Google or I just work well under pressure. It was like five minutes before the show started. Quick, get on there and figure out why the hell is turning off. Yeah. We think we got it. I think we do. It's been live for over six minutes. OK, good. Well, you were all listening to our copyrighted music that they took our video down for. We did. We got shut down at like 6.00 and a half. Yeah. And how to recreate the stream with some royalty-free music. Yeah. It's the best music. Yeah. It's the taste, it sounded the taste of the same. Tasted the same. Yeah, it's pretty neat. And it sounded similar too. So if you got kicked out of the-- That next time. If you got kicked out of the video and had to come back, that's why. That's the explanation. Yes. Yeah. Anything else going on? Yeah, you know what? It's only Tuesday, but it's sure-- I thought it was Thursday about an hour ago. That's a good way to start. What do you got to get off your chest? No, I don't have a whole lot to get off my chest. Things actually are overall, they're going well. I think that some of those days, we all relate is just that there's a lot to do and sometimes the days where there's the most that needs to get done, the least happens because of bullshit or things to get in the way. And so I just had a lot of issues with my computer and with things working, I couldn't get anything to work earlier today and trying to fix one problem and something else comes up. And so I just hadn't felt really productive for most of the day and we're under deadlines and people want to know why it's not done and all that kind of fun stuff. I can definitely identify with that. I mean, today is the last day I have before I go on vacation. So I was trying to wrap up a ton of loose ends and kind of pass off, pass the torch to other people on some of the things that I was responsible for and the big projects that I was working through and that sort of thing. So just a ton of answering questions and offloading big projects and kind of how-tos. Yeah. Didn't really do a whole lot of work aside from that. That was just kind of most of my day. I gotta give it to you because I would be frustrated with that, but you do it really well. I think you don't show it if you're having a hard time with it. You do a pretty good job. I internalize it. That's all it is. Well, I'm glad that you get a little chance to get back and reconnect with some family. That'll be nice. Yeah. And there'll be plenty of work for you when you get back. So don't worry about that. It's not going anywhere. That's for sure. It's not going anywhere, man. Yeah. Yeah. Fo sho. Well, that should just move along. to talk about and I'm not a whole lot of time to do it. I think that sounds good. Let's move along. Let's roll. All right. So was it Monday? Monday was WDC. It was only yesterday. That was only yesterday. That's a testament to the week right there. It was only yesterday. 10 a.m. they had the keynote address from Steve Jobs Theatre in Palo Alto, California. Yeah, it was a big event. Probably the kind of at a high level, I guess. It's one of the most recent Apple events that I've seen where there was like, genuinely exciting. And like the crowd seemed to be responsible or responsive to that. I would agree with that. I picked up on that too. It reminded me of the old Steve Jobs one more thing kind of days. A little bit there. When you had people jumping out of their seats or yelling during the presentation because they were excited about some new thing that was coming out. And yeah, I don't think that they had been, they had things coming out, they're iterating on stuff, but the last few years just didn't seem to have the same oomph that this one did, so that was cool. - And I would say like none of these things on their own are like huge, there's nothing huge here, there's like nothing earth shattering. But there's a lot of like really, really wealth out out and nice to have features, I think. - I gotta crack open my look, look, look, Roy. - The pamphle mousse. - It sounds different than Kour's light, There's a lot more bubbles in there. - Oh, we still have one here. Here we go. - Yeah, see that one was just that. This one was like, (bubbles popping) like fizzled afterward. - We'll have to talk about what your bubbles, your favorite bubbles are these days later 'cause I've heard bad things about the cry. - Well yeah, we can do that. Topo Chico hands down, dude. Topo Chico is the best bubbly water. Good for mixed drinks. - Maybe we'll have to do like a top five episode. - On sparkling bubbles. - Yeah. - Yeah. If anybody is interested in hot five show on sparkling water, the best bubbles. I think that'll be our highest rated episode. We'll have a few categories. You got to look at for mixing drinks, because that's like, versus that we can get into this whole thing. We're not going to do it now, but yes. Before you're going to keep talking about it, I want to let it go yet. I'm not ready to let it go yet. For sure. Yeah. What are we talking about? WDC, everybody's excited, nothing earth shattering, but a lot of new features. a lot of them too. Right. A lot of new features. So let's just get right into it. The first one on iOS. So on your iPhone, iPad, whatever. System-wide dark mode. And this is, yeah. System-wide dark mode is a massive feature that's been lacking in the OS for a long time. Android, I believe, has had this for a while already. Even Mac OS. Mac OS has it. Yeah. A lot of the apps on the iPad, but not everything. So yeah, they're a little behind the curve on this one. >> Yeah, it's been implemented by a lot of the developers on their own, right? In lieu of them having a function for it in the OS itself, a lot of app developers have implemented it as a setting so you can toggle on dark mode or not. So this will be one where you can toggle it on it at the system level and all the Apple apps will respect it and then I believe it's on the app developers to also implement their same functionality into that as well. >> I assume most people already know what dark mode is and use it for a variety of things. But if you don't, if you're not in the dark-- Oh, I see what you did there. They-- what they've done is it's-- the typical background would be white, or like if you're in your mail app, or if you're browsing the web. And in late at night, it's kind of bright. If you're browsing in bed at 2 in the morning, I was this morning. It's just not a pleasant view. It's really bright even when you have the brightness down low. And so dark mode defaults everything to black on the background. But it's different than before. They had an accessibility mode where you could do this in the phone. But all it did was reverse the contrast on the colorful images. So things would look like ghosts or x-rays, you know, kind of a thing. And so this is a way that it preserves the integrity of all the images and the color schemes. But it presents it in a darker mode that just doesn't look as bright. And it's different than the kind of a setting I can't remember what they call it. The one that like changes it at night to where like you see less blue light or more blue light. like night shift, right? - Right. - Something along the lines. - Yeah, yeah. - And it would remove the blue spectrum. - Right. - That would keep you up at night. - Yes, mm-hmm. So this is different. Another thing to note too about dark mode is because it's displaying black, like true black as the background. Oftentimes it doesn't have to, but oftentimes it is. And that's a power saving mechanism too. - For sure. - Because now you don't have to illuminate any of the pixels on the screen. So now you're getting in theory, better battery life. Just because you have dark mode turned on. - Yep. - Yeah. - Gomer was chiming in on Slack. good to see you tonight, man. Thanks for jumping in a day early. We didn't even give you heads up there, but he was just saying, "I prefer the S9 blue light filter over dark mode." And I do like that too. I've used the blue filter on my computer if I'm working late at night. I like that, actually, quite a bit, because it takes the strain off. What is this? Is this a screen filter that you put over the top of the screen? What do you refer to? Well, I'm not familiar with S9. I'm guessing it's software. I was using the, there was this shift, I can't remember what's called now, light shift, blue shift, red shift, I don't know what the hell was called, but it was essentially was a software feature that you could install to do that. >> Okay. >> And it would take those blue, it would look like, it's kind of like, if you have the hue lights, it's a very yellowish color now instead of blue. >> Got it. >> All right, so dark mode, that's really, I mean there's not a time to say there. It's something that we both use pretty frequently. Like if you look at our development machines, like we run in pretty much all dark mode, everything the apps are all dark mode, the OS is dark mode. So I think we're both big fans. So if you like that, it will be available in the fall, which is when I think most of these releases are available. - Yeah, and I'm not note, this is all the, for the fall release of the new version of iOS 13, which currently we're on 12.something. I got it like 12.3 notice this morning, But yeah, that'll be out in a few months. So look out for that. We'll announce it on the show when it's ready for prime time. Right, so let's move on to the next thing here. And that is that they've announced, what effectively is a ripoff of swipe. If you're familiar with the swipe keyboard, they did it first. So swipe is, you know, if you're typing on your keyboard, instead of tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, with your fingers instead, you can just drag from letter to letter to letter. And it will figure out what it is that you're trying to type in there. And it's really, really effective. and they originally they had this available as a third party keyboard. Like you could install Swipe, I think, and there was G-Board does it too, which is Google's. - Android added on their phones for a long time. - Yes. - Yeah, when I had all my pixels that I was losing last year, it had the Swipe feature on that too. - Right, it's a great feature if you're comfortable with doing it, but Apple's gonna put the Swipe functionality built in to iOS now. - Yeah, somebody had noted on Twitter the app, something about Apple, like, you know, crushing all this startups. You know, like, this WDC is really just about, like, crushing all the startups because there's so many of these companies that they can put out of business when I do that. >> It is true, like third party apps, often are the ones that take the brunt of a lot of this, like they'll implement a feature that is something that a ton of the third party apps are doing for them. And now you've basically put these third party apps out of business because you have native functionality that can do the same thing. and the third party apps are at a disadvantage, right? Because they don't have access to the same APIs. Usually they're doing some sort of weird hacky work around or something like that to get it to work. Whereas Apple can do things much more directly, right? They have much better access to the OS and the software than anybody else. - Well, and it'd be one of those situations I imagine too, where you can be a startup and get bought out by these guys for a billion dollars, but I imagine in the case of dark mode or swipe, that's probably just not that proprietary. I'm guessing, I don't know why they wouldn't offer swipe money, maybe they tried to and swipe to them to go fuck off. And they said, fine, we're just gonna write our own swipe. - Right. - So that's too bad. I don't know that I'll use it much, to be honest, I didn't use it really with Android a whole lot. I'm used to typing now. - I've tried to go back and forth, and sometimes I like it, and sometimes it really annoys me, and like it won't get the word right, like many, many times in a row and I'm just like, "Ah, screw it, I'm not gonna do this." - It's not a time, always a time saver. - Exactly. - Unless you do it all the time. - It is very good for one-handed use, but beyond that, I'm not a huge fan. But it is available, coming in the fall. Moving on to the next thing, signing in with Apple. So if you're familiar with Facebook login, Google login, I think Amazon has a login. So now Apple's throwing their name into that hat. Well, I'll say that the common theme, the thread throughout the whole show was security and privacy and protecting your data and making sure that you had control over what data was shared with who and that you could revoke it if you wanted to. Right. And so this is a pretty cool feature, I think, because so many times you do it out of laziness, right? I'll sign in with Facebook or Google because I don't want to type my password or I don't remember, I don't want to create an account. Yep. What you're doing is giving them some access to that information, whatever it might be, that app, and they generally tell you something, I don't know, but once you agree to it, then the data is there, and it's a kind of a difficult process to get it back or to revoke it. You made me never get it back. Maybe you can just say, "Well, I don't want you to get it anymore from this point forward." I don't know. Right. Who knows? Yeah. So Apple has implemented their own sign-in feature. So a couple things about this that are pretty unique, and I think are great. So we'll get to privacy in a second. But the first one is that the signup, sign in with Apple, we'll act just like a button, just like you would expect from Facebook or Google or any of those things. But what it'll do if you're on your phone is it'll trigger Face ID rather than have you enter in passwords from the third party site that you're trying to log in with, which I think that's super powerful all by itself. - That's another layer of security and it's also faster. - Yeah, exactly. To your point, you don't have to type anything. just show it your face and away you go. - And you're in. - So then the next part, beyond that, assuming you're kind of registering as a new account or you haven't signed in before, this is kind of where the privacy comes into play, is that they'll report to you what it is that this app is requesting from you, right? So if it's email or phone number or something like that, and it'll give you a list of those things. And so you can explicitly check around, check which things you wanna share with them. - Yeah, that part was really cool. The email side, I thought was an interesting touch that was new, what they did there is if you said, you can choose to share or hide your email, and if you say you wanna hide your email, then they will generate a unique email address for you, which looks like a hash. It's just a mumbled mess of numbers and letters at secureapple.com or whatever the address is, right? And the nice thing about that is they will do that for every time you opt into using Apple for a different app. So let's just say you have 10 different apps on your phone that you signed in with Apple. They will give each of those 10 different email addresses if you choose to hide your personal email. And then if you ever get tired of getting those, then they'll forward that to you. Apple will kind of be the middleman and forward those emails coming into you. And if you decide you don't want them anymore, you can just turn it off on your phone and boom, it's gone. - Yeah, exactly. They'll basically stop that email from forwarding to you and you no longer get spam. So brilliant strategy, I think, good move. I like the idea. I think I'll definitely use it if it's available. So I hope a lot of people implement it. - Well, they're just taking advantage of a very clear opportunity right now to jump on this like privacy security bandwagon because it's been a huge issue with Facebook lately and they haven't had exactly a great track record of responses or trying to do much about it. They've made changes to the application. - Facebook, that is. - Facebook. And I'm thinking back to maybe a few months ago when Zuck was up giving some presentation or keynote on privacy and security and was making a joke about it. And I think that shows a little bit of kind of other out of touch, how they're out of touch with their base because it is a growing concern. And we do want to know where, how we can put in-- that's the biggest problem. Once you put it out there, how do you get it back? It's out there. So Apple's trying to do a lot right now to make sure in all of these offerings that came out that they don't know what's going on. If they're using some kind of sensor to detect something, they're not recording that it's you, they're just recording what it is, and then it's a very anonymous. - Yeah, encrypted and sent. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Which kind of leads us into our next thing because I have mixed feelings about this one. On the surface, it's really, really, really cool technology, but on the back hand, it's also like, absurdly creepy what they're doing here. - Yeah. - And that's that they're unifying the Find My Friends app in the Find My Phone. Or is that what that's called? Find My Phone. So they're just creating one app that's called Find My, which is like the one location to find everything, your friends, your phone, your device, your MacBook, whatever it is that you have linked to your account, and even like these little tile devices that you can buy and attach to things will be in there as well. - Is it with tile or is it a proprietary Apple thing? - Yeah, I'm sure it's some other brand, right? - Too bad. - So they're making that a single app, which makes a lot of sense. I think those need to be put together. But the other thing that they announced in conjunction with this was a new feature that basically, if you lose one of your devices-- so like, let's see, you lost your iPhone here. And you left-- let's say you left it at a bar, right? Left it, fell on the floor, and then you left it, and nobody noticed it, or something like that. You can go into the Find My app. And what can happen is you can still see where it is, even if-- like, let's say, even if that has been disconnected from a network. If it has no LTE service, if it has no Wi-Fi, it doesn't matter. It's going to become like a Bluetooth beacon, and it'll communicate to any other Apple device that it can connect to in the area. So if somebody in the bar has a Bluetooth, or not, excuse me, an Apple device, it'll connect to that, and then using encrypted and kind of unknown data, I guess you'll say, it'll report to Apple that that device is in proximity to their device and report that to here, find my account. which that's where I feel like it's a cool feature. I get the idea and the intention, but it-- - Super awesome. - It feels creepy. - Super creepy, because yeah, getting that into the wrong hands could have some really bad, you could have a really bad day, so I'm not defined to do. (laughing) - What it's doing, it's an amber alert for your phone, essentially, and it's using other phones to communicate to relay that message, but it does provide GPS data, so it knows exactly where the fuck that certain number is. - Yes. - And essentially it knows where you are. Yeah. And so the same is true of an iPad, a MacBook, an iPhone, anything that that Apple currently can allow you to track your AirPods, I think are the same way. They do the same type of behavior. But so cool, but creepy. And now here's the other thing too. You can disable that. It's only, and it's not active all the time. This is something you have to go into the app and turn on. Yes. So it's more of a handy feature if you're trying to track down your $1,000 phone that someone Jack from you or you left it and it wasn't there when you went back or whatever. Right. But, uh, yeah, it is a very big brother feel at Gomer, chimed in and I agree. It's that's the, that's always the trade off because it's, it's really handy on one hand. You don't want to just lose this thing. Um, but then by putting the detection devices in place or systems in place to detect it, now if it's on your person, you're detectable all the time. Yeah. >> But I think the thing to note here too, and maybe we've mentioned it, but glossed over it is that the whole thing is encrypted into end-to-end. Basically, they're saying, even though that your ID of your device passed through some other person's machine and went up to the Google Cloud, or Google Cloud into the Cloud in that way, there's no way for that machine that had that data passed through to figure out what your devices or who you are, any of that kind of stuff. That's encrypted into end-to-end, so only Apple can identify that. >> Absolutely. Yeah, that's what I'm saying is like if they, you know, when they were talking before about government back doors and how every company had a back door for the NSA and all that bullshit. Yeah. Like it's one of those situations where yeah, it's you and me in the bar, like our phones are passing on this data. We can't do shit with it, but you know, the guys that have the access to the back door if there was one or who knows what, then you'd be screwed, right? Sure. I think they're trying to get away from that. They've done a really nice job with the presentations and now they've cleaned up their act, but it is always a concern. - Yeah. All right, well let's move on to the next thing. Siri's getting a little bit of a voice. So a voice upgrade. - Big voice upgrade. And this is funny because I just saw a video, you know I watch too much YouTube when I'm at home at night. And that's what I hear. - Different random videos and back cracking, kind of a practical thing. - Dr. Pimple Popper. - Yeah, not that one, but some of those lines. But they had an interview with the woman who was Siri, and the story was that she was working for another company as a voiceover, she was doing voiceover work and her voice acting, and it was for another company, and that company was bought by Apple, and so they used the recordings that she made at that time to use Siri. And this is a huge improvement. The way they did it before, they got to, they got to, heard to say a ton of stuff, right? Like they'd record, I don't know how many words or how many hours or how many megabytes of information, but she would be, she would say enough so that they could try to slice her voice and get every kind of sound that would come out of it and then stitch it together. So it would give you a close approximation of what you wanted to replicate. - Right. - By just grabbing these different sounds and syllables and that sort of thing and then you put a word together. - But as a result, it sounds choppy, right? You can definitely identify that that's what's happening because it doesn't sound fluid as you talk in normal conversation. That's right. It's a matter of resolution, right? It's kind of like the old Windows 8-bit days or Nintendo 8-bit days. It's like you kind of know what's going on, but the pictures have little squares and you can see the pixelation on the image. Same thing with the sound. They only had a limited number of sound bites that they could use to construct all of the English language. It didn't sound great. The new technology, super cool. It's this feature they're calling it neural text to speech, which is very similar to what we've seen from Azure, right? Azure has their cognitive services. >> All right. >> We talked about Luis. >> Luis is their language understanding. >> Set, yep, exactly. And they do have a text to speech and speech to text engine that they use in Azure. And I think the other clouds are doing it too now. But essentially Apple did. This as well, they came up with a neural network that can do text to speech. And I wish we had a sound bite. I should have put that on the... - Yeah, that would have been good on the sound pad. - You could pull one up and we could put it on the... - We'd probably get sued for playing it. - If you kill the Spotify if that's playing. - See if I can find a sound bite on that. - But yeah, it comes across as far more fluid. She spoke a whole sentence. I wanna say, maybe multiple sentences and it just sounded like really, really clean end end And you couldn't tell, I mean, you could still tell it was computerized, but I wouldn't say you could tell like, it was certainly a vast improvement, I guess you would say. And so if we can get a clip here real quick, that would be sweet. I do. And I'm just going to pause the royalty-free music so you can turn me up now if you want. Here we are. You're on, buddy. Absolute zero is the lowest limit of the thermodynamic temperature scale, a state at which the end value, an entropy of a cool ideal gas reach their minimum value. Taken is zero. computer. But that's iOS 12. I should have prefaced that. That's the current version. This is a new one. We'll bring on the good one. Alright, so here's the new one. Alright, so that's okay. But now let's try iOS 13 with neural text to speech. Absolute zero is the lowest limit of the thermodynamic temperature scale. Estate at which the enthalpy and entropy of a cooled ideal gas reach their minimum value taken as zero. Yeah. Big difference. And You have to go back and listen to it again, because we kind of just threw it up there, but we can throw a link into there for that. - Right. - But yeah, the first one was really choppy. This one, very fluid, and it was all done without a voice. It was all done through the neural network. - Yeah, it's building something completely on the fly, rather than like these clips being stitched together. So super powerful, more machine learning. Big buzzword from this whole event, machine learning. - Yeah. - Yeah. - More deep fakes to come after that. - Oh boy. Well, she sounds the same. And unless I misunderstood it, the way they described it was that they had enough of her sampling to come up with the filigaps. Yes. That's what machine learning is, right? You give it enough data and eventually it can kind of figure out the-- And now it knows enough. It doesn't eat her voice anymore. It can just do that's own thing. Exactly. Crazy. Which kind of makes me remember, there's somewhere out there that I keep seeing these videos. I think they're videos, videos photos. And they're like digitally put together by machine learning. They're not real people, but they look like real people. - Yeah. - It's really, really weird. They're like, "None of these people are weird." And it's like this big wall of like, you know, probably 60 different faces and none of them are real people. - Whoa. - But they look like you would never know. - Wow. - Yeah, that's crazy. The world we live in, man. - Yeah. - So crazy. - It's fun. - I do wanna jump into something really quick. I know we don't have a ton of time before move on to the next, but we left off iTunes. We did leave off iTunes. That's a big one. That was a big one. I hate iTunes So I'm very happy with this this new feature here who uses iTunes anymore I would assume some people do I think if you manage a large on Machine library you might use iTunes. Mm-hmm. Yeah, well, that's it. I and I'm not saying that to Be judgmental. It's just that with Spotify and all these streaming services. It's a bit obsolete You're not gonna pay 99 cents for songs or like right? What I don't know what the pricing model even is now Maybe they did the same thing as Spotify. I think they had the beats. You had to pay for the music subscription service. They had music subscription service like Spotify. - Yes, they do, yeah. - That's right. - I'd be curious to have a friend gomer here on online what he does, because I know he at one point had a pretty large music library, so does he use any of that, or is he strictly YouTube, or Spotify, or whatever these days. But yeah, they basically split the Spotify app, sorry not Spotify, iTunes app, which used to do a ton of shit, like way too much shit. Like it would sync phones, it would play music, it would download movies, it would like, basically it would do everything media related. Right? And so they've split it up now. And now you have a dedicated podcast app, you have a dedicated music app. And what was there was a third? TV. TV app. Yeah. Yeah, they joked about that. They said, well, we went back to the drawing board of iTunes and we thought, could it do more? Yeah. Safari and mail. All right. Yeah. So good move. This is already something that's being mimicked in the mobile space, right? Like they haven't had iTunes on the phone for a while now. Or the iPad, I don't believe on the iPad. So this is cool. Each app gets its own specialty, focuses on what it does best, and if you don't want the whole damn thing, you just get what you want. Gomer's an Amazon music subscriber. Or it's probably part of his prime membership. Can you manage your local library through Amazon Music? I'm not familiar with Amazon Music well enough to know how that works. - I used it an earlier version of it. It's been a few years. And at that time, I'm not sure that it did, but it was really nice because you got a lot of music for free just with your prime membership, just like the prime TV. And didn't have everything. It wasn't quite as, at that time, the library wasn't as robust, but it was good enough. You could do a lot with that. - I've definitely played with it. and it definitely, I mean, it's a Spotify competitor for sure. - Yeah. - There's nothing wrong with it. I just was curious as to like, I know he has a big library. I have a big music library that I've had from way back in the iTunes days and I've went away from iTunes and I went to Plex, which is like a server-based player, but that's what manages my library now and I can access it anywhere. So I don't use iTunes at all and I hate it. - We need to talk about that. If we have, I don't think we've talked about that in the show. - About Plex? - Yeah, we kind of did, because of your device that you bought your storage. kind of bounced around and talked about it in general. I don't think we've talked about what it is exactly and how it works and that's sort of thing. Yeah, that'd be a good topic to dive into at some point. It's amazing. You showed me a demo of that and you and Rain. The old Rainmaker there had quite the library. Yeah. I don't want to incriminate him, but he had a lot of cool stuff. A big music library. Yeah, that's right. Big music library. So are we ready to move on here to the next thing? What's the external storage thing? - Journal storage. So this is big probably for the photography community. It would be the biggest user here, I would suspect. So now you can take your iPad here, which we have sitting right in front. And you can plug in a USB device into the lightning port and get external storage onto your drive. So like a good example of this would be I'd be traveling, shooting a bunch of photos. I could probably use a little adapter and get my SD card on there. And plug it right in and then I could bring my files onto the iPad, manipulate them and Lightroom on the iPad and upload them if I want to stuff like that. That was not available before. It was really difficult to get physical files onto the device without using some weird Wi-Fi sink or something like that. >> Right, a cloud service or files or something like that. Yeah, and that's a big step to get iPad to be a true desktop replacement. I'm not going to happen this year, but these software enhancements go a long way. Like to be able to plug in files and sync, you know, like a drive, that'd be awesome. That is gonna be a cool feature. And what's the other one? You know they announced they're gonna do the secondary display with it too. - Yes, what is the code name for that one? - I can't remember the name of it. - There was so many different ones, something like that. - Sidecar. - Yeah, sidecar. - Sidecar. - Good time. - Sidecar, sidecar. (laughing) - Depending on how the implementation goes. - You already, that's another feature that they announced, and that's getting kind of more towards another OS that they just announced, which is called what iPad OS. - Yeah, they're going away from just iOS to iPad OS and iOS, so there is a slight distinction. - And the reasoning being exactly what you mentioned is that they wanna treat the iPad as a bit more of a desktop-y type device versus a mobile device. - Yep. Yeah, and the feature's there, I know, man, we're running long, but we have to talk about it. - We've got so much to talk about here. - So many things. I'll sit with the rules. - And it's a two week show here. We missed a week. I know, we have so much to say. The multitasking on the iPad, the new version, iPad OS 13, is that what it's gonna be 13 also, I think? I don't know the brand. Maybe it's just iPad OS, it's one, I don't know. But the iPad OS, when it comes out later this fall with the other software, will have some additional enhancements like we talked about sidecar, so you can use it as a secondary display for your Mac. I'm already doing that with some third party software and I love it. I really, really love it because when I'm in a coffee shop with my laptop, I have two monitors now. If I need that extra room for testing or writing software or something like that. - That software is crazy too, because when you showed that to me, I actually thought they had already released this 'cause I had heard about this coming. - Yeah. - And I knew it was rumored, but I thought that was like the software because it was like so smooth and so seamless. Like I would have never known that it was third party. - Yeah, low latency. You wouldn't, you can't tell the difference. And I can swipe back and forth. Like I, yeah, you think it was plugged in as a monitor. Yes, yeah, it's fantastic. - So they did a really good job with that. But yeah, the last thing I'll say about the iPadOS is they're doing a lot more for multitasking. So if you want, already you have a split view, right? So if you wanna have Chrome open next to your PowerPoint, you can have two windows side by side. Well, they're taking that even to the next level where you can have, if you're in the mail app and you're composing a draft and you wanna go back and look at something you did six months ago, where you can take that current message, drag it to the right side, kind of create a separate window and then go back to the mail app and search for an old message, copy and paste stuff. So they're just making it much easier now to be multitasking on the iPad. Very cool stuff. Even some new copy and paste gestures. I don't think we're going to get much into. That was neat. Yeah. That was really neat. I know, you know, we mentioned on this show already that if you hold down the space bar and you can drag around or anywhere on the keyboard, I believe, that you can drag around and, you know, place your cursor. And I think a couple of times I've actually done something on there where you can actually use that to select and I don't know exactly how that works, but I know you can do that. But they're making it easier to select text as a whole, which is painful currently in iOS. And then to copy it, I think you just, you know, this kind of gesture and to paste it, you can do that. >> Undo is like a swipe to the one side. The keyboard can shrink if you want to do one-handed typing. It'll look like your phone's keyboard. >> Right. >> They're doing a lot of announcements there. >> Yeah, a lot of cool stuff there. >> Pencil latency down from 20 milliseconds to nine. Oh, Apple Pencil. Yeah. You have one of those. It's stuck right there to the old iPad. I found it. I lost it the other day. It was pissed because I didn't. 100 bucks for this thing. 100 dollar pencil right there. There it is. All right. Moving on to the last thing for iOS that we're going to talk about here. And this one's actually kind of cool because I do this on occasion. Have you ever been like on a plane and want to share your audio and you have to use an old school splitter? I had the old Wyatt after a bag just in case. I carry one of those all the time for this exact reason. So Apple has announced with AirPods, if you and the significant other or you and a friend have a couple different pairs of AirPods, you can join them together and share audio. That's super cool. Which is cool. Be a Bluetooth, be a wireless, which is pretty cool. It's a Bluetooth multicast. Right. Just gonna boom, blast it out. Exactly. Wow. It didn't spend a lot of time on it, but cool feature, I think a lot of people will get a lot of use out of that. Do you get separate volume controls or is that another? You have to buy the AirPods 3 for that one. I would see, yeah, probably. They did not say whether that was supported by the first iteration of AirPods or if that's only in the second. Right. That's a good question. I would be interested to know that. Yeah. Nice feature though. Yes. They really want those things when you're all the time. The next version of those, they gave the demonstration where it's more of a dialogue that you're having. So if you're on the treadmill and you get a text message. That was cool. Then that's sweet. Yeah. I didn't even put that in the notes here, but that was actually, I was like, whoa. I was just riding his bike, a text message comes in, Siri reads it to him and then he, like, oh, Amy wants to know if you want to get coffee at 9 a.m. He goes, tell her I'll be there. Boom, message sent. - And it's a text message behind the scenes, but he didn't even, look at his phone, didn't have to do anything, it was beautiful. - Yeah. - Oh, Gomez got some, got some hate for the, he sent him some images about. - Oh, so he got the old subwoofer over there, what? - No, this one is a new Apple product that's called anti-lost, and it's actually a corded socket that you can buy to put wireless airpods into so that they don't get lost in the fall. - We'll put a link to that in the old cast once we post it. - That's hilarious, do you know what I love that? - It reminds me of the old AirPod sub. Did you guys send you that? - That might be a not safe for work here, item. - NSFW Kids Airpods, this is the - Yeah, the rectal audio device. - Yeah. - The subwoofer. - Right. (laughing) - I'll let someone else review that one. - Yeah. - Get back to us. - All right, let's move on. (laughing) All right, next up we got Mac OS. So we're both running the old laptops here. We both run Mac OS. We're running, what the hell is it currently? - Wow. - I think it's Mojave. - Mojave, there you go. So next up is Mac OS Catalina. - Ooh, it's so cool. - Yeah. - The waters of California. - California coast. Yeah. Not a ton I want to say about this. They did a couple things that are pretty impressive for the Mac here, one being super impressive, but the other are they're going to remove finally the dashboard view, which I have never used. It's really good a lot of usage. Yeah, exactly. I think widgets are kind of dead. That's what the whole dashboard was kind of used for, really. I had that side note really quick. Windows start menu, when you open it up and has all that shit, all these tiles and everything. Yeah. I hate it. I want to turn it off, but I don't think you can. You can delete them all. You don't have an empty everything, but I don't think you can disable it. But yeah, so they're finally removing the dashboard view, which to those of you that aren't Mac users, you're not going to understand what that is. But the bigger news and the more important news, I can't remember what the name of the project is. It was formally known as Marsapan. Yeah, but they have a correct name for it and I didn't get it added here. But effectively what this project does is it gives iOS developers a new checkbox when they build their iOS projects so that they can also build for Mac OS. Project Catalyst. Catalyst. There you go. And so now you're going to be able to take the entire suite of iOS apps, which there are a million probably. I think they said that there were one billion. Billion. Well, I mean a lot of these things are dead somewhere. Right. Right. But yeah, they had something that was massive. Yeah. And now with more or less a simple checkbox, you can port that app onto the Mac. I stand corrected. 100 million. 100 million applications. One tenth of one million. Just overnight, suddenly available on the Mac. That's pretty huge. Massive. Yeah. Yeah. And what did they already do with that? They have a couple apps already that they're working on. Yeah, the stocks app is already that way. I think the calculator app maybe, or the voice memo app, one of those. That was impressive. And they reached out to other people at Lassian, who was there, who does it. your product and a lot of these guys got to try it before they buy it. They got these guys the updated SDKs to convert their apps. They said it's this easy. You go into Xcode and you go to compile and you check a box to say Mac. It's not always that simple, of course, but for certain apps it is. At the bear necessity, you can do that, right? It'll port, but there's other things that you may have to do to make it look and feel and smell like a real Mac app and be a little more, I guess, official for lack of a better word. - Right, exactly. - Really, really powerful though. This has been rumored for I think a couple of years. So it's really, really cool to see this come fruition and it kind of further pushes the point that this, you know, the iPad and the iPhone are their platforms of choice and the Mac is becoming a distant kind of afterthought. - And there's a convergence happening on the PC side as well where you're starting to see these universal apps. It isn't being done on that side by Microsoft per se, although they're involved in it. But what you're seeing now is at least for Apple products and then for non-Apple products and Linux, there's a convergence of software programming languages out there and toolkits that you can use to get your app on all these things. And that's how, look at now, one code base that gets you on every Apple product, You can do one code base today to get you on all the products, depending on if you're using like, I can't think of it now. It's a web framework, electron. - Oh, yeah. - Shit like that. - This lacks software. - Yeah, but even things like Flutter now that are coming in and Flutter released an extension to convert their mobile and desktop to do mobile desktop and web with one. So I think it's a great time to be a developer. I'm sure there will be some more bullshit that comes out of this, but the idea anyway is that we're getting closer and closer to this place where you can have one code on everything everywhere. - But this is like the best way to do it too, because you'll have people that'll say, like, "Oh, electron," which is cross-plot fire, but there's a penalty to using electron, whereas this is gonna be native code, compiled native code, so it's gonna run as close as possible to a properly built app for the operating system, Whereas Slack, you're running Slack over here. That thing is a memory beast. - Right. - Because it's an electron app and it's basically running on a layer that is handling all the iOS requests. - But here's an interesting thing though. Something like Flutter would be native on Mac. So if I'm doing that and I have my Flutter app, I open Xcode, check the box. Then in theory, I should get native code running over there. - So in theory, you wouldn't get a penalty there then. - Yeah. - You're pretty hot on Flutter. Well, it's really fucking cool, man. That's why. It's really cool. I'm not successful yet in my first Flutter app, unfortunately. But I've dabbled in it a little bit. And I just think what they're doing is really fun. And I love Dart. It's a good programming language, strongly type front end. And the fact that you can get it to work 100% on Android and iOS, I did prove that out at least. And it was a lot easier than when I was using React Native. React Native, React Mobile, React Web, it was. React Native, that sounds right? - Yep. - Cool. - I like your address. - It's a flutter. - It is. - With flutter. - Yeah. - Google product. I like that one. - Yeah. All right, moving on. Watch OS. So we got a couple things here to talk about that are pretty interesting. Number one, they're kind of the same procedure as they've done in a couple different ways, but they're divorcing a little bit more the watch from the phone, whereas like the phone used to be the controller of the watch. The watch is just kind of like a, - Really needed a phone to have the watch. - Yes, it has to. It's similar to iTunes, right? It used to be that in order to use your iPhone, you had to have iTunes and they divorced the two over time. Same things happening to the watch. Originally the watch was just a dumb Wi-Fi device that talked through your phone. - Yep. - Then they put in LTE, so now it has its own connectivity. Now they're putting in its own app store, so now I can get its apps without your phone as well. So they're slowly divorcing the two so that you don't need to have a dependence on one or the other. So I think that's a pretty good move, pretty clear move that they're starting to make. But the bigger news that I thought was really cool is they announced a streaming audio API, which the Apple Watch was never able to stream audio to third party developers, like Apple could do it. So like they could put their music app on there and you could stream from their music app, but you know Spotify couldn't come on there and compete, right? So now they've got an API that's available to the third party developers that want a stream audio directly onto the watch over LTE. - That's fucking cool. - So now, theoretically, you can take your LTE Apple Watch, go on a run, put in your AirPods, take phone calls, stream of music, stream of podcasts, do whatever so you're completely independent of the phone and you can just carry your watch. Which I think that's a huge deal. - That's a massive deal. That's a game changer. I don't need to get one of those bands on my-- - Exactly, I hate those things. - Arms anymore? I just wouldn't even bring anything or to have a bag on my back. - Right. - Camelback kind of a thing. - Yeah. - That's huge, I love that. - So, they didn't make a big deal out of it, but I thought that was one of the bigger announcements that they had from a developer side. Like obviously that's not super sexy from like a from a consumer point of view until something actually comes of it, but it will result in pretty cool things. - Think about this though. Like I had that situation last year, you know, I lost my phone, I lost them, and it was really difficult 'cause I couldn't, like with this, you have your wallet on there as well. So you could still hail an Uber with that, I would imagine, with the absolutely. - Yeah. - So, it's not only that I can use Apple Pay. - There you go, Apple Pay, Uber, yeah. - Oh, Sky Miles card. - Your card pops right up the screen. That's sick, dude. That's sick. I think that's a huge, huge feature. I wanna get an Apple watch. - Oh boy. - I don't have one yet. I should probably get, well that makes sense. I don't have a credit card on this. It's a nice watch. - Yeah. - Well, I can't do a whole lot for him other than tell me what time it is. - And you like to lose things, so it'd be good for you. - It would be good for me. It'd be tethered to my arm. be really hard to lose that man. - Yeah. - For sure. - So that's really all we have on WatchOS. So let's move quickly on to TVOS. - TVOS, I think you're gonna be more excited about this. I have a feeling. - I am very excited about TVOS. - Tell me about TVOS. - So one thing I like about TVOS is it's going, how do I say this? TVOS everywhere. Right now on every device. - On every device. - Right. every device, multi-user support. So if you're a family, right? The idea there is that everybody can share. I don't know how many users are on there. Maybe five. It doesn't matter. I like it because I can install it now on my iPad. I can install it on my Mac. I can install on my phone and have the same user experience across on my devices. MI Apple TV. So if I'm traveling, I don't have to worry. The shows that I watch and the content that I have will be available to me on any device, any place that I go. So that's awesome. I love that feature. I don't do much gaming, but there's a gaming feature that sounded interesting to me. And I liked the idea of what they did here. So they're pushing games on Apple TV or on TVOS, I guess you can call it now. Because it's not just the hardware. It can be on anything that runs TVOS. But they wrote in compatibility for PlayStation controllers and Xbox game controllers, it'll work on TV OS. So you can play, if you already have an Xbox controller, you don't have to go out and buy a special Apple TV game controller anymore. You can get this one that you already have. Turn it on, link it up, and be playing games. That's really cool. And I think that'll make the whole game experience on the Apple TV, like something that people actually want to interact with. Yeah. It's a comfortable thing. People are used to Xbox, they're play a station controller. So they're going to want to use those. It'll make the interface to the game so much more convenient than using the Apple remote or something that doesn't really work. I think that's a really, really cool move and I think it'll push the platform forward in terms of a gaming platform. Obviously not for super big gaming nerds. It's still a pretty simplistic device in terms of gaming. So it's not like you're going to get on there and play competitively against other people. But for the casual gamer, I think it's great. I like the idea. I'm going to try it out. >> Yeah. What about multi-user support? That's pretty cool feature too. So I don't really use the timeline function of this very much. But if you're familiar with the Apple TV when you watch programs, especially like stuff that's in your own library, it'll start to show you those things and show you the progress as to where you were inside of that particular item. Even some of the things in the Apple TV, so I think even Netflix can contribute to this as well. So if you start something in Netflix, it'll show up in there. So they added multi-user support. So now like you each can have your own timeline if you will. Kind of like your Netflix profiles. But it's all going to be built into this at that level. Yes. So you don't have to do it for each app anymore. You can go in and have your own profiles. You log into who you are and then boom all your stuff is still there. Right. Just gives you a better dashboard view of the things that you're interested in versus like, "Oh, here's the kids shows from last night that we watched. I don't really care. Oh, here's the you know, stuff, here's Mike's Game of Thrones, I don't watch that, right? Like it just makes it so that you only see the stuff that you're interested in versus everybody else in the household, which I think is a good move also. - That's smart. - I was really hoping that that was gonna transition also into the iPad and they were gonna have multi-user iPads which I think would be huge as well. - They don't, huh? - They don't. - I've never tried that before. - Yeah. That would be huge too. - Yeah, you think about like households again with kids and stuff like that. Like kind of like the old desktop login, right? You didn't wanna give your kid access to your login 'cause they would change your desktop and who knows what they would do to it, right? So it'd be nice if you could have your kid have your own iPad with their own desktop, their own icons, apps, et cetera. - Well, how my parents had one, they shared for a long time, but it was really my dad's, 'cause it had ESPN, everything on it, supports MLB, recipes, my mom maybe didn't even have one app on the other, some of the screens somewhere. - Yep. - That'd be cool. - Yeah. Very cool. - Excellent day, man. TVOS, coming out this fall. - All right, I wanna bounce back one real quick thing from iOS that I forgot to mention that I thought was actually really cool. And the glossed over this one really quickly too, is if you're familiar with the share sheet, you're familiar with the share sheet? So anything in iOS, if you click the little, it's usually like a box with a lot of error. - Oh yeah, dude, share, uh huh. - That pops up the share sheet, which usually has a bunch of different app icons that you can share to. Often you can save it or email it. There's a bunch of different things you can usually do. - Right. In the share sheet now they're going to put in the most common options that you do as shortcuts. Like, let's say for instance, I share a lot of stuff to Christina, be a slack. So it'll show her icon with a little slack bubble on it and it'll say, "Share it to Christina on slack." You can just tap that boom, it does it. Easy. It's just one click. Even if it's not a native app or not an apple function, it'll still be able to handle it. It was really quickly run over, but I think that'll save people a lot of time. I think I saw that slide because the demo, he was trying to share a photo. There was some new photo view. And when he slid up, it just had a different customization there for what to do and for who. Right. And I use that stuff all the time to share things. Like I'll find a link and share it to you or whomever. And so that'll be really easy and really slick to do. I do it a lot more. I find myself now that I've been doing things the wrong way when I go in. I'll copy and paste a lot of stuff still. And you don't have to. Share is much easier to use. - Exactly. - That's great. - Let's move on to the Mac Pro. - Oh my gosh. - So this is the hardware announcement that we were talking about, alluding to earlier. - I don't even know if this is fair to call this hardware. It's just like superware, turboware. I don't know if the fuck it is, man. It's just insane out of this world. The cheese grater, they're calling it. This thing looks like it's got so much ventilation and it looks like a cheese grater 'cause it's got like aluminum, right? - Aluminium. - With a bunch of little holes carved out on the inside and the outer side of the shell. So it's an actual tower, you know, computer tower, which doesn't seem very Mac like. They have had them in the past, but that's not a recent trend. - That was probably 10 years ago that they had the aluminum tower. - Right. - And then they had the little round disc blue black thing, whatever. This is going back to their roots a little bit. - Right, so they announced a new desktop tower. And it's a massive machine. What a 28 cores. - Oh insane. - Yeah, 28 core processor. The RAM started at 32 gig and went up to 1.5 terabytes of RAM. I mean, this is high end. This is not your typical productivity station. - Well, when maxes pro, they don't really mess around. Their pro stuff usually is very, very high end pro. Like that's, it's really enterprise shit. There's very few professionals. I mean, there's people out there that are making money, they can do it, but. - Very few individuals that are gonna buy this. - Yeah, starting the tower, right? Just a tower. - Oh, that's right. - Starts at $5,999. (laughs) - Six Gs, just for the tower. - Just for the tower. - They said that the power supply, and there was like 1.4 kilowatts. - But how many monitors, how many screens did they say it could drive? - Six, six. Six screens at 5K. - Six K. - Six K. - Six, six K, retina monitors. That's really impressive. Let's talk about the 6K Retina Monitor. Let's do that. Yeah. How much would that son of a bitch check you back if he had six of them? Well, what's the cost? What's the base cost of a 6K Retina Monitor? The base cost, there's two flavors of it, and it was what? 39? No, $49.99. $49.99. For the base model. I mean, there's same size. But wait, there's more. That's right. Yeah. That doesn't include a stand. Well, I'll get to that in a second. That's absurd. I mean, everybody gasped in the theater. I heard that shit. Right? Yeah. Before I say even fucking say that, they were talking about anti-reflectivity and how a lot of times you'll put a coating over the glass, but then that causes contrast and color to get distorted. So it isn't really the best way to handle that. So for an extra $1,000, you can go to the what, five. I want to make sure it's right. It's $49.99, $59.99 I think. I believe the high end one is also 59.99. And that one, they have some special etched process where they will etch out the glass on the front of the screen. And so you can't see it to the naked eye. But if you looked at it under microscope, you'd see a bunch of ridges. It looks like a little mountain range in there. OK. And what happens is when the light comes in, it gets to fracks, and so you don't really get that same effect that you get when the sun's beating on a flat screen with a coating. Right here. So they fix that. That's a grand if you want to do that. And the stand. - The stand, the thing that you mount the monitor to and sits on your desk. - For no mere mortals, $999. - Only a grand for the stand? - That's unbleed. - Michael take three. - Unbelievable, no, I'm out. I'm out, man. - So it's just fucking crazy. And these are amazing displays. - The display is beautiful, no doubt about it. But good, Lord. - What they were saying is that right now, they compared it to a Sony reference monitor. they said that was even close to this. This is a better performing monitor than the Sony reference, but that's something that you would use in studios and we wouldn't have those at home, but that was like $35,000 for that monitor. - Yeah. - And so when you compare it to that, then you say, "Oh wow, this is a budget monitor," I suppose, but I just couldn't believe that they couldn't help themselves. They had a charge of grant for the stand. - Yeah, well, they're hurting for money, you know? - Wow, on the bow leave. - I did hear another story, Twitter, I think I saw it on Twitter, it was just a quick link that it scrolled by on the feed. I think the Mac Pro fully spec'd out there expecting might run somewhere in the vicinity of 35 grand. Yeah, if you fully spec'd it out. Yeah. Yeah, that doesn't surprise me. I think you could easily spend 10 grand on one that wasn't. But if you're buying six of those retin' displays and six stands, you got $6,000 just in monitor stands. So would you rather have a baseline model Tesla Model 3 or an Apple MacBook Mac? Not Macbook Apple Mac Pro. I'm not I'm not into the Mac Pro Oh, I'm not I would take the Tesla hands down. I would do hands down because the whole point of I did go big on the Mac book pro But the cool thing is I get to take it everywhere I go so There are carrying cases. Well, sorry not for the Mac. Although there is wheels you can buy extra wheels We would around your office because everybody wants to go back to 1985 again sold separately I'm sure that's probably another grand. Yeah, the Castor Wheels are specially designed. Yeah. There's like one guy and Sweden that can make them. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised by that. It is for your very high-end video, multimedia content producer, editor, no doubt. I mean, they were talking about the bandwidth that you could use. And so they pulled up the, for the name of it now, but it's their audio app that they use. and not Garage Band, but the other one that's the bigger one. And they had something like Pro. Maybe that's what it was. And it did a thousand tracks. They had a thousand track orchestra playing at once. Like in real time it was rendering this thing. You could do something to the like eight case streams at the same time and 12 for case streams at the same time or something just insane like that. - Yeah, they just kept adding like full orchestra. - Just add another, add another. 100 piece orchestra. Right. And it would keep playing. Yep. So this thing is just a steam roller. I mean, it's going to do some powerful work. You know, you can make the next Star Wars on one of those. Yeah, right. A couple of those, you know. That's what they're for. I mean, it's not for the average consumer. That's right. So this is very, you know, those guys will have thousands of those to make the next move. Oh, and the rack mountable. Yeah, that's coming out rack mount. So if you need 15 and a rack. Yeah. We got your back. Yeah, exactly. Oh my gosh. That's crazy. >> Well, we're in a little long here. So maybe we'll just do a quick hit or maybe like, what's coming out of WWDC? What's your favorite feature? >> Oh, my favorite feature? >> Favorite thing announced. >> Oh, no doubt it's going to be the operating system release across the board for all the products. >> Oh, just OS is as a whole. >> Yep. >> Wow, okay. I'm going to have to say for me, it's going to be the streaming audio APIs for the watch. I think that's going to be huge. I think that's going to unlock the watch. make it so much more useful than anything that they've ever had before and I'm super excited about that. Excellent. Alright, well, Coffee M codecast is recorded live from Seattle, Washington every Wednesday, which is not today. At 9pm Eastern 6pm Pacific, join us at www.coffeecodecast.com/live. That's actually not correct. Join us on Facebook. Our artwork is provided by Yernet, the gentle giant. Check out his work at coffecoadcast.com/gentalgiant. The podcast is available from iTunes, Spotify, Tune-In, Stitcher, Google Play Music, Radio Public, or wherever you get your podcasts. 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