16: 2018 Macbook Pro

16: 2018 Macbook Pro

Mike's newest laptop has arrived and we are back with a new episode of the Coffee & Code Cast. We talk a little bit about why Mike decided to get the new MacBook, the software we use, and some new details on a new endeavor.

Full Transcript


From Seattle, Washington, this is the Coffee Code Cast. I'm Kyle Johnson.

I'm Mike Sheehan. I got a brand new MacBook. I got it on Friday. So I got the

new 15-inch 2018 MacBook Pro. I love it. I guess we should take a step back first

and make a little disclaimer here. We're recording currently from my rooftop

deck. So you're gonna hear a little bit of plane noise. Like a little outdoor

airplane flying overhead. Yeah a little traffic little maybe a little breeze in

the microphone we got the big pop filters on there to help knock it down a

little bit but you're gonna have to bear with us on the noise a little bit.

We've got corn rustling in the background. We're not in Iowa we're just in Kyle's roof.

I'm an Iowa boy so half a dozen corn stalks that are probably good five foot.

Hey and we got probably six years of corn coming out of there you can see the silk.

I'm very impressed. I'm very impressed with the garden set up up here.

Nice shade on top, outdoor lighting,

got the gas heater over here.

So to kind of set the stage here today in Seattle it was a pretty warm day.

We had what 80 maybe 90?

It was 90, I don't know, the official high was.

I think it got up to almost 92 today actually.

It was hot.

So we're spending the day here up on the roof instead of in Mike's apartment

which doesn't have any air conditioning or anything like that.

Trying to keep it cool.

So with that in mind we're gonna talk Mike's new toy, second laptop in how many months?

Yeah, I've been on a bit of a hardware binge lately.

So I did well I bought the XPS 13 remember we did a few it was I don't know many episodes

ago now we did the laptop review at that time we were looking at the delix ps 13

we're looking at some of the macbook models that were out at that time I

don't remember what else there maybe the HP Spectre and something else I

remember the Mac was in the in the running but it was it was fairly

distant at the time well the big difference was that back in November the

8th gen CPUs just came out from Intel but they were not yet on the Mac hardware

Mac hadn't done a refresh in a while.

So they had some really old stuff in there.

And fast forward a few months and here we are

and they just came out what last,

probably a week, middle of July.

We'll call it middle of July,

they came out with a refresh of the MacBook Pros 13 and 15s

and they all have the new eighth gen processors

but they're even a leapfrog over what the XPS had,

what the Windows PCs had.

- And these are, remind me again, Coffee Lake?

Is that what processor architecture is?

Yeah, yeah, I think so. I think it's Coffee Lake that and I don't know what iteration of that it is

This is this particular chip. I don't remember offhand. It's like I think my my

XPS 13 had

It's an 8,000 series

Maybe my XPS. I'm gonna guess here's like the 83 something and this is like an 85 maybe

And so you got the space gray 15 inch. Yeah

Did a few upgrades. I did not opt for the seven thousand dollar model, but I wasn't but I also didn't get

The cheapest one either so I did upgrade a few things on this one. I did upgrade the

the CPU slightly

You know, we had CPU gate a little bit for a week and a half where like those that I nine was getting throttled

And there was some throttling issues, so I didn't want to get that

Since been resolved, but I just don't know if that I don't know if the extra 300 and processing was worth it for what I'm doing

But I did want to have a little more insurance down the road

So I upgraded the hard drive to the one terabyte. I think that was a $400 upgrade

one terabyte

NV was NVIE SSD. It's like newer SSD technology and

Yeah, what else maxed out the RAM maxed out the RAM 32 gig RAM

It's a beast

It's a beast. I mean, it's it's a nice machine. My wife has a very similar machine. I don't think it's quite specked up as much

I don't think they boosted any of the specs on it

But as far as the machine, it's I think it's pretty much the exact same machine touch bar the whole nine yards

Touch bar is nice too. Yeah, I'll be curious to get your thoughts on that in about two months down the road or something

I can see how it could feel a little gimmicky

The one thing I do like about it though the touch bar on the top right now the power button has an integrated fingerprint touch ID

So that's nice to have to log in machines and makes it easy

Christina's complaint hasn't been with logging in as a matter of fact, I don't even think she realized that there was a touch ID option

I didn't realize that until you got them until you brought it to show me but her biggest complaint so far has been there's no

Simple way to lock it or it doesn't seem like there is the key command that she used to use to lock it was actually in the row of

Keys that the touch bar replaced

So now there's no longer that key command or keystroke command that used to be there

So that is a frustration for her and then the escape key which is an I can already tell you would be an annoyance for me

Not being there is another one, but

Just something you got to get used to 5.0 man. We got a get we got a bail

Well, yeah, it'd be interesting to see how much of that comes through so we can get that out of there

Well, I would agree with that

complaint because I'm coming over from Windows and I

had the I had a

Lock button on the keyboard. So I was able just to tap and go and I couldn't find that on this one

And so I don't see it on touch bar, but then also the keystrokes a little confusing. It's something like command

It's like command control Q or something like that.


And you got to be careful because the two commands,

I want to say, it was like command control Q was like lock

or something, but then command control W is like shut the machine

down or something.

They're very close to each other.

I think it's like command shift because yeah, I've done that.

Oh, there you go.

Yeah, it's just a different key.

Countdown starts.

We're about to self-destruct.

Yeah, they're a little too close together.


The other biggest complaint that I've seen about it is like I'm looking at my old school

MacBook Pro 15 inch and when you look at the arrow keys for instance, they're laid out

in like a grid kind of as you would expect, you know, there's the up down and then the

left and right and then there's a space above the left and right.

So you're, you know, for kind of like key feel when you put your finger down there,

you kind of can realize where you're at in terms of, you know, which button you're close

to or on or about to push.

Whereas like this one, they're kind of all in a block.

So there's like no real way to like feel

what button you're gonna push aside

from like a little bit of an indention ridge

that they put in there, but it's awfully small.

- It's very subtle.

I could see that being confused all the time.

Yeah, I would agree with that too.

- But those are kind of nitpicky details.

This one that you got also support

or has kind of the new membrane underneath the keyboard,


'Cause they had their big keyboard problem

where if you got those particles underneath the keys,

they might stick and no longer work.

third gen keyboard and yeah they don't have really much tactile feedback at all

it is like you describe the little mouse button click on uh...


you know some

maybe the mighty mouse or something it's very unusual coming from other

keyboards so

that's a change

but overall I like it so far I've only had it for the weekend and today and uh...

you know for a few days and so far it's been great getting everything installed

on here I'm really jacked about it I mean the main reason why

So I had the XPS, I have it still, but the reason why I switched is that I was getting into that Flutter development.

So I'm doing cross, you know, cross platform mobile app development now.

I've been doing it for a few months.

It's very difficult to do that for iOS on a Windows machine.

Well, you can't do it unless you have some trickery to get around that.

So I had a virtual machine running for a while, but it was really sluggish and just a poor development experience.

So for that reason, I felt like if I want to get serious about this and I have been,

then I need to get a Mac to do it and this would be a better way to go.

>> And so are you expecting now that you're going to develop more in Xcode specifically,

or do you think it's just mainly for the emulation functionality that you were missing in Windows?

Or you still had it, but you had it through a VM and it wasn't very performant.

So is that the thing that you're missing?

Are you expecting more that you're going to be in Xcode more often?

Well, I probably will subsequently,

but I think it's mainly just for the virtualization.

It wasn't working out for me.

And so, in Flutter, if you're not familiar with Flutter,

flutter.io, check it out.

It's Google's mobile app development framework.

I'm really bullish on it.

I say it's going to beat out,

react native hands down in another year's time,

two years, like everybody's gonna be switching over

to this.

A lot of people already are, but it's still pretty new.

It's still in beta, but it's very, very good.

And the cool thing about it,

It's the Dart programming language,

but you don't have any of this crossover where you have to--

80% of the way there in React Native,

and then the other 20 is going to be native.

You're not doing really anything native at all.

It's all handled--

Google wrote another layer on top of another abstraction

on top of these Swift, Kotlin, Java.

You name it, like these other platforms.

They basically have a wrapper around that,

and it's all in Dart.

So it's very good.

The benefit of having the Mac now though

is that I can have both emulators open.

I had it earlier today.

I had an iOS emulator and, you know,

a Nexus 5X or Pixel 2 open in the screen

and they both were getting live updates from the debug.

- Oh, that's really cool.

So the Android emulator isn't a problem to run on iOS.

- Nope, they have the IntelliJ Studio,

the Android Studio Suite loads on there easily.

It was very fast to set up.

I spent 30 minutes getting it set up.

download your Xcode, download Android Studio. Of course you have to do a couple more steps to get

the Apple developer key set up and that sort of thing for the security, but really it was pretty

quick to get up and running. You can even plug in the physical devices too as long as they're both

set up and secure and you have your tokens configured properly then yeah you can just have

USBs and they'll be fine. Yeah and you can just have it launched directly on device versus in the

the emulator. So I'd like to do that too. I'm working on it. I started getting it done

with iOS and not quite there yet. I have done it on iOS. I've never messed with Android

specifically, but I've definitely kind of just built a Hello World app via Xcode and

launched it in directly off my onto my phone, you know, and that's pretty cool that it can

do that and show up. The real promise I think of Flutter and where it's going is that well,

That was the idea out of the box was that we needed a more modern mobile development experience

that was more developer friendly.

This certainly is.

It's really amazing.

Out of the gate, you can get a few things installed, run the template, Flutter Create will give

you a new empty project.

It's kind of their hello world.

This is through a CLI or something like that?


Or if you're using Visual Studio Code, it's already part of the extensions.

You can download the extension and just do it from the command bar.


have to do the command line. But yeah, you open up a shell app, little hello world, Flutter

Run. Now it starts up the emulators. Now what I usually do is you need to have iPhone simulator

running. And then if you don't have the physical device is set up, iPhone simulator and then

Android Studio, you go in there and set up the, you know, what is it, the AVD or they

or whatever the image is, you have to go in there to turn on the mobile simulator. But

then once the simulators are on,

plot or run, it compiles everything,

employs it to the devices,

and then it also does hot reload.

So that's really cool.

You can see it side by side, Android iOS,

it looks identical,

but they also maintain the integrity of each device.

So when you're doing certain gestures,

it's gonna mimic an iOS gesture

versus an Android gesture.

- That's really cool, that's powerful.

- Very powerful stuff.

A lot of power out of the box.

I just found that when I was doing things with React,

It wasn't necessarily any harder, but it was just more work.

So if I wanted to bring in an icon set, for example,

that would need to import the icon from Font Awesome

or wherever, maybe into the Xcode project

and import it into Android.

Whereas with this, it comes with a lot of things preloaded.

You can actually just say icon dot Facebook icon or something.

It's already built in.


That's excellent.

So a little deviation from the Mac thing,

but that's why I wanted to get it.

I thought I'm tired of just trying to piece it together

and I want to have a more integrated development experience.

Plus, all the tools that I use on Windows

are really most available now on Mac.

I'm not doing a ton of native.net development

or classic.net development now,

so more of my projects are going into code.

One other thing I'll say about this hardware

is that the trackpad is fucking huge.

- I remember when you very first showed me

and you started to kind of try and type on it,

you were struggling a little bit,

trying to get your hands kind of wide enough to not interact with the touchpad while typing.

Yeah, this is a natural to me. I'm wondering, am I going to scroll off screen or hit something?

But I haven't had that problem yet. Seems to be okay. But I'm not using that the laptop

much right now. I'm plugged into a separate keyboard and mouse.

Oh, right. So have you found that it maybe is intelligent enough to kind of know that

you're just kind of like laying on it rather than trying to actually interact with it?

I think so. Yeah. I mean, I'm putting my hand on it right now and I'm typing and it's kind

of working. I don't know. I'll need to do an actual test. But yeah, very interesting.

So we kind of went through the, you know, the what and the why and that you got a new

MacBook. But what do you plan to do with the old Dell XPS? So that's a fairly new machine.

It's a pretty beefy machine. That's also a beefy machine. Yeah. Because it is another,

Well that's the other nuance so they're both both machines are

8th gen Intel I7

But this Mac is a six core the other one's a four core

I think the other one has still 16 gig RAM 512 solid state drawing

Right now I'm gonna keep it

And do what?

Be a backup. That's an expensive backup

I don't know what I'm gonna do with it yet. I dropped it on its corner and it did damage the aluminum a little bit.

And so I need to see if the warranty will cover that replacement. If I can get it in pristine shape, then maybe I'll try to list it and wipe it.

The XPS 13 though, this is very cool for our Linux friends. They just came out with the new release of Ubuntu for the XPS 13.

So I think it's 1804 now, which is pretty exciting.

So I'm tempted to even throw that on there and see what it is.

You've been into the Linux thing lately,

so that's not surprising to hear.

Yeah, I like it a lot.

And that's one other thing going over to Mac

is that my comfort level and the command line is pretty good.

And so I don't really feel like it's a huge learning curve

to come over.

All my stuff works really easily.

Got the terminal customized.

I'm using-- I don't know how you say it.

Zish, ZSH, I was using Bash, I'm using Zish.

- Not familiar, never heard of it.

- Yeah, so there was some people that recommended Zish,

some really nice customizations for it,

and the command line looks pretty fancy,

and I customized it a little bit, so it's looking good.


- Sweet, well, another thing that I wanted to tell you on,

since you got a new MacBook,

you've kind of been out of the Mac game for a while.

- I have.

- Right, you kind of were, you actually introduced me

to the Mac way back in our days at Nebraska Medical Center

in Omaha and got me kind of into it and interested in it.

And then you kind of went away from it for a little while.

And now that you're back,

I thought it might be interesting to talk about,

and we've talked about already kind of some of the apps

maybe that are available or that you might use.

So I thought maybe it'd be kind of interesting

to kind of go back and forth a little bit.

And some of the different things that we have installed

or that we use day to day.


- Absolutely.

One thing I'll say just to kick that off too is that compared to last time it's been a while.

The last piece of Mac hardware that I had that wasn't an iPhone was probably one of the MacBook

was a no Mac mini or MacBook Air. I had a MacBook Air from like 2013.

Yeah you had the mini first I think and then the air came later I believe.

Yeah that's right.

And the airs haven't been refreshed in forever so that tells you how dated that was.

Gave mine away I was getting frustrated it was too fucking slow.

So yeah, I remember though the interoperability between Windows and Windows software in the Mac

has changed a lot. It has. So that's been cool. Like now I have, you know, the Office suite is on

here. I've got Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code, Microsoft Teams. I think that's the biggest

leap and bound. So we obviously work in the Microsoft stack, primarily C# and .NET. And that

That was something that you pretty much could not do

without emulation or VM virtualization.

Sorry, that's what I'm looking for.

Probably even more than a year ago.

And that's really turned the corner recently,

especially with .NET Core,

which is like the kind of open source flavor of .NET,

ASP.NET, that runs natively on a Mac, no problems.

You don't have to do anything.

Visual Studio has been ported to the Mac to some degree.

it'll support anything.NET Core related,

but not ASP Classic or ASP.NET rather.

So yeah, they've definitely turned a corner in terms of

the ability for Microsoft developers to develop

On-a-Mac which is really, really impressive.

So yeah, I think that's open to the gate for you to be able

to use this as your single machine,

both work and personal.

>> Honestly, I haven't used Visual Studio months.

And part of it's just the nature of the projects. I'm on I'm working on some different projects that I can

Do the whole thing soup nuts in dotnet core I

Can do it using Vue.js on the front end whatever whatever client one use so

That's been really nice for me and kind of untethered me from that

Window is ecosystem because I don't have to be on there anymore and even some of the applications I support

I'll probably do for a refresh and they could be ported over to core. Yeah, that a whole lot of

Trouble sure. I think you guys have done some of that too. I'm just you on your in your work

I'm trying to think maybe it was Chad

I can't remember who was doing it

But there was some feel like there's some experimentation going on with that net core with some of our stuff at work

I know there's a guide that I looked into for a little while

Just on like how to how to port something that's written in ASP dot net to dot net core and it

It didn't appear to be super difficult to port those

It was more like kind of a handful of configuration settings and maybe dealing with a few package dependencies

But beyond that it didn't seem that hard, but I haven't really taken

Too much time to try and actually migrate an application

What the we're doing a rewrite project right now and everything that we rewrite is now going to be in dotnet core

Yeah, so we won't have to be dealing with

Being stuck in the windows environment necessarily much longer either

So and so does that is that applicable to what portion of this is the back end? Yes the API layer basically API business

Data classes so on and so forth great. Okay. That's excellent. Yep, so I'm excited for that

But yeah, so you to your point, you know VS code is a fantastic

Text editor and it's even gaining traction outside of the dotnet community or the C sharp community or the Microsoft developers

Which is really cool to hear like people that write Python or other, you know various languages or even adopting it

Which is pretty kick-ass coming from like, you know Microsoft was a dirty word, you know a few years

years ago. It was and so many people now have come around and Visual Studio Code, if it's

not the top, it's climbing the top, it's sprinting to the top of IDEs, the three IDEs out there.

It's probably, I'd like to see a list, I don't want to speculate too much but I've heard

a lot about that, just how it's becoming more and more popular and more people are going

to that, even over maybe Sublime or Adam even. Yeah. That's part of the whole Microsoft

new open source platforms. I think that's in the last, I guess, since Satya showed up.

It seems like Microsoft's been embracing open source and putting themselves out there more

and trying to get more developers to use their products. And I think it's working. They're

doing a great job. I mean, it might not be super apparent yet, but I think there's definitely

momentum being gained. And I think that's a huge deal for them.

It's a huge win to be able to do all those things on a Mac. I think that's the best because you've

You've got the best of both worlds there.

You have some of the best software,

some of the best hardware.

And you can do like it or not.

I don't like it a whole lot,

but you can't do everything on a Windows machine still,

on Windows hardware,

it's because of Apple and their corner on it.

So it's really out of necessity

if you're developing for cross platforms

and you're developing for Mac OS or iOS,

you're gonna have to have it.

So let's talk a few apps here.

So you were kind of, when you first started setting this up,

you're kind of asking me little bits and pieces

of different various applications that I use day to day.

And, you know, aside from the ones

that we've kind of already noted,

like Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code,

kind of some of the obvious players

that, you know, are kind of chat tools like Teams or Slack.

Trying to think of some of the big ones

would be like, I'm using Pro Tools first,

that's what we record here with.

I use Final Cut Pro.

That's a pretty expensive piece of Mac software.

Apple puts that out.

That's what I do any kind of video editing in.

So I use that to do kind of my urine review videos

that I have done for a while.

- Urine reviews, I haven't seen those yet.

What do you do?

Close somebody down?

Get three guys in a corner and...

- What?

- It was a bad joke.


- Fell flat, I missed it.

- Urine reviews.

- Oh, urine, well, I mean,

we could do a lot of those in Pioneer Square, let me tell you.

I think I saw a couple of those there.

It was going to get lunch.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

So, yeah, Mac, would you call it Final Cut Pro?

Final Cut Pro, if you want to do video editing specifically.

What about Adobe Creative Suite, Creative Cloud?


So, I'm a photographer or amateur photographer, I guess you might say.

So, I do use Adobe Creative Cloud and I have the, I think it's the photography suite or something they call it.

Gives you access to Lightroom, Cloud, Lightroom CC, and Photoshop CC. Both of those for I think it's

like 10 or 15 bucks a month. Something like that. Not bad. So I do subscribe to that and I have those

here. I also use those on many other machines including my like office PC at the office because

I think you get something like five installs or something like that included in the cost.

Oh, I have to talk to you after the show. Yeah, so there's, you need an extra install, do you?

I'm getting all this software now.

Yeah, that's great. I'm looking to get to that too because well the project I'm working on right now is a little more freeform.

So it's not like some of our traditional stuff.

I'm working really closely with the designer on this one and all of his work is done on a Mac.

He used a sketch to get a lot of the stuff off the ground. I think that's pretty common for Mac guys. And that was another

Obstacle in a way was just him getting that over to me. I can't use sketch. It's like my Mac again great software

that doesn't work on Windows so

He was converting some things into code pen and trying to help me get it that way

So we had a system working that was okay. It was not a bad workflow, but

It was hard for change management

He'd go in and update a ton of shit and then I wouldn't know what he changed

So I had to go bring it in there's probably better ways to handle this

But we're trying to get this done really quickly and so it was kind of a mess

I think this is going to be nice that we can both share the same thing and hopefully save

some time and not trying to duplicate work.

Yeah, I think that makes sense.

That's another huge plus for the machine that you just got.

I don't know, I'm looking actually now that I am actually looking through what I have on

my machine these days.

I think I recently did a pretty healthy cleanup just because the drive on this guy is not extraordinarily

large and I tend to bounce against the top limit.

This is only a 256 gig machine.

So it's pretty small by today's standards.

So I removed a whole lot of software fairly recently aside from kind of a lot of the standard


So I use standard, the standard mail app.

I don't use anything fancy beyond that.

I use the standard calendar app or I use Google Calendar, which is web based.

So I don't need anything installed for that.

I do use Simple Note, which is kind of my markdown note taking software that's synced

to the cloud, I really, really enjoy that.

Before that, I used to use IA writer.

Have you ever heard of that?

- No, haven't.

- So that's, it's a writing tool.

It's a very like, it's supposed to be a distraction free

kind of writing tool.

So it's very, very simple UI.

It's strictly just like writing and markdown.

And like there's no other like toolbars or anything.

It's like very simplistic.

And it's supposed to be like for focused writing.

So I do use that off and on if I really want to like

be writing and not worrying about anything else.

- I'll say this, jump in really quick.

You talked about just some of the Google tool,

Guild Calendar and they're already web based.

I think that's what's been really nice about this setup.

It's been the fastest setup I've had far ever

because it's just been amazing, I can log in.

So you told me to stick with Safari,

I did it for about four hours and I needed my Chrome

because I had everything in there on my shortcuts.

- Sure.

- But what it's nice, you log in,

I've got all the calendaring and everything that I need in there.

So I just like the fact that you can log in now and retrieve everything you had.

Postman's a good example.

I use Postman all the time.

Log download, log in.


All of my endpoints are there ready to go.

I'll stop for it that way.

I think just for clarity, the reason I was advocating that you use Safari or at

least try it out is that the, that Chrome is a, is a destroyer of batteries.

and on the MacBook, if you run Safari,

you probably get, gosh, I don't even know,

twice, maybe three times the battery life

that you do if you run Chrome.

It's a pretty drastic difference.

And I use Chrome day to day generally,

like on my Windows machine, I'm using it all the time.

I even use it on the MacBook from time to time

for the reasons that you mentioned.

It's all there and stuff that I've browsed at work

or on another machine I can pull up through there.

So I definitely agree with that.

I wish there was some sort of syncing mechanism

and there probably is some sort of syncing mechanism

that can get your data into Safari specifically.

But what I will say is that having used Safari now,

both on my iPhone and on my MacBook for a period,

probably of now, I don't know, three months,

something like that, maybe four.

I definitely do appreciate it a lot more than I did.

I used to kind of just like slough it off and be like,

"Oh, Safari, that's for kind of Mac nerds," whatever.

But I think there is precedence for it being

very loved browser and a very faithfully used browser. It is very, very, very good.

I like it a lot. I just needed my stuff. I think I should try to sync over because, yeah,

you have to use it to a degree because I think now, in one of the newer versions of OS X,

you can only use the Safari browser for certain parts in the OS. There's linking going on

in the OS or something like that. It's going to open in Safari by default.

Yeah, there are applications that are definitely sticky in that respect like they don't give you the option to select a browser that you want to use

Some apps definitely have built that in and and allow you to select that which is nice

But but yeah, it's the same thing is kind of like Microsoft everyone's not I still like it'll launch edge or something stupid

Yeah, I don't fucking use edge. Nobody uses that shit. Yeah, I get that shit out of here

Supposed to be pretty good on them on the windows side of things for battery life, too, but yeah, whatever

So that's I mean, I don't really have any other apps

I thought I had more apps on here to be honest with you and I thought it'd be kind of cool to run through them

What other what else do you have anything else that you that you have on there? That's because most of what I have left is productivity stuff

It's like OBS studio, which is something we use for podcasting

It's it's the app that we use to record the podcast

You know, it's like all podcasting or or audio recording software like audacity and right yeah

I don't have much yet. I'm still slowly installing some things. I didn't mention already postman

I've gone here, Spotify, of course, is cross-platform.

I have, what else?

I'm using iTerm instead of terminal.

- Okay, I've heard of that.

- And I really don't know a whole lot of the differences,

but I wanted to customize the terminal

instead of just the boring whatever it had.

I wanted to be able to see my Git repo,

my branch, my current branch, all that kind of stuff.

- Yeah.

- And so I found a nice tutorial.

Quite a few people recommended actually iTerm 2

There's different themes that you can apply to that and bring in

What do they call those?

Can't think of the name of the fonts right now, but they have the extra symbols

You can actually see like branches and checkbox and

Okay, certain symbols that you wouldn't get in the normal true type font. It's more for development or coding

You don't have source tree on there

No source tree. What is source tree? What is source tree? Fuck you?

I don't have so I don't use this is another if we had an episode talk about the big debate to in CLI and

Fucking gooey. I don't have source tree

Yeah, I don't know I do like though as far as gooey's are concerned and you've been you've been behind this effort

And I really do love the process now as VSTS and huge and great visual studio team services

Well, I've got that running now for my new project

It's kind of still and it's you can see it work. You got this set up on maybe one or two projects. Is that right?

I do I have that said actually I mean at the company now we have

Probably something like eight projects set up running VSTs

I think most of the major players are on VSTs, but let's say VSTs as a tease for the next time. Oh

Next time you got it back in

What I will say though that

We should probably real quick just kind of recap that you know

We've been away really, you know, for a while.

Obviously, we haven't put out an episode of the coffee code cast in a little while.

And the reason for that is we've been kind of working up a new show that's still in the works.

We're still kind of prepping that and getting it ready for prime time.

So that's partially where we've been.

And then obviously just the rest of it is our lives getting busy and just not having time to do it and so on and so forth.

So, yeah, I would agree with that.

I've had a lot of you know more stuff going on this summer has been busy

We only have three months to be outside on the rooftop. It is it is summer in Seattle

So that is a big part of it

So there there has been a lot going on more that we can reveal later

But I think it's been good to get back in together being in the same location doing this with some new equipment


Yeah, hopefully the aside from the planes and the in the sirens and so forth

Hopefully the audio quality is much much better because we got some pretty pimp mics here that we're using and recording with

So I don't know what kind of cadence this particular show is gonna have

I don't think it's gonna be on any kind of regular schedule necessarily, but we're gonna throw some episodes out there every now and again

So I think the idea too was that started up. I think the idea is that it'll

Maybe it could be more technical more of a technical deep dive people who want that right on some of these topics

And if you're not interested in i-Term 2 and i7 Intel chips, then this new cast might be more of a broader audience.

Yeah, I would agree with that. I think the new podcast is going to be something that I think is kind of a different format.

A different way of doing things, maybe not quite so technical. It might be technical at times, but generally speaking, not technical.

And I think we want to keep this show alive mainly just so that we can kind of nerd out and talk tech

We're buying a lot of shit. We need a forum to talk about it. It's cool. We haven't talked about the audio

Save that for another episode
