04: Firefox Quantum
We're back with Episode 4 of the Coffee & Code Cast and this week we're following up on Mike's Remarkable Tablet, a quick followup in our conversation previously on what happened to Windows 9. We also talk about the recently released Firefox Quantum, and Apple's delayed Apple HomePod.
03: Spinn Coffee Sponsorship
This week we discuss getting a sponsorship from Spinn for all the talking we have been doing on the show about them, or getting some free swag. Since our podcast is known as Coffee Code cast it seems like a match made in heaven!
02: Parental Advisory
This episode of Coffee & Code Cast we are starting to find our groove and we start with some follow up on some things from last episode, talk about the Spinn coffee maker and reMarkable tablet. We also talk Amazon's new Key service and talk Uber's latest changes
01: Introduction
The first real episode of Coffee & Code Cast we do our introductions, talk about the Google Chrome Dev Summit, Pixel 2, Amazon Hq2, challenges of working remote, and intermittent fasting as we marathon much longer than we expected.
00: Mic Check
Just kicking the tires on this episode, talking about how we should run the show and making show decisions.
No Spend January
No Spend January has great benefits. Saving money and evaluating your spending habits and often change them. It may even lead you to lose some weight.