Where To Find Me

I continue to be less and less interested in spending time on Facebook and I used to love using Twitter for keeping up with news, friends, and industry information. With all that's going on with Twitter right now, I don't feel like it's a place for me any longer. I have been working to get my website back up and running to allow a place where I can post without dealing with all that comes with social media platforms, and like many folks, especially in the tech world, I have moved on over to Mastodon.

If you are interested in being updated when I post something here the best solution is to become an email subscriber. This will deliver new posts directly to your inbox. I will never spam you or sell your email address and it will be used only for this purpose. You can opt for that using the button below.

If an email subscription's not your cup of tea, you can still find me at any of these sites/services. My Twitter and Facebook accounts are mostly archived, however, I will still cross-post there for the convenience of those still on those platforms.

👋🏻 See you out there.