25: Cadillac of Coffee Makers

25: Cadillac of Coffee Makers

In this episode, we talk about foldable phones and take a deep dive into Bluetooth audio technology. We get an update on Kyle’s clean livin’ journey and discuss Mike's new backup battery for all his devices including the MacBook Pro. We revisit a regular topic on the show as well and discuss what we have been watching recently.

Full Transcript


Welcome everybody to the coffee and code cast a weekly live stream tech podcast where we talk about neither coffee or code

I'm Kyle Johnson and I'm Mike Sheehan today on the cast foldable phones are here

We cover two options that are coming to stores near you

Buyers beware we'll let you know about some gotchas to avoid when buying Bluetooth headphones

And finally we'll get an update on Kyle's clean living journey

And I review my new backup battery for all my devices even my 15-inch MacBook Pro

Welcome back to the show man. This is episode number 25. Did you think we'd ever make it? Wow to 25 episodes?

No, because I didn't want to do the first one with you man

Fuck no man, I would never thought we made this far or be live casting it either like this is our third live cast three weeks in a row now and

We've kind of scraped it together last minute the last like three times, but I think it's working. Okay

We're starting to find a little routine here. I think it's fine. It's it's gelling a little bit, which is good. I think

The board that you've got here is fantastic.

You want to open one of those Coors lights real quick?

- Sure, why not?

- Yeah, there you go.

- Oh yeah buddy, that's better.

- Now you're better.

The board's working really well.

I think the format of the show

we're kind of changing that and tweaking that week over week.

I think that's starting to come together

and I'm really liking it.

- I like it too.

We've simplified it a lot, right?

In the beginning it was way more complicated

and the equipment was more sophisticated.

It took a while to set up and

the editing process, I won't speak for you,

but that was a pain in the ass, it took a lot of time.

How much time would you spend on that?

- I would say after a show, I would probably spend,

there's probably an hour at least.

Depending on the number, like if we had a guest,

then that would dramatically increase

the amount of time that would take to edit.

But now with this board and the live recording

and not editing out all the different things,

like I probably spend maybe a total of 20 minutes

editing the show, you know,

Mainly, and most of that's just getting the markers,

chapters, stuff like that.

Like it's not editing, it's not true editing

of the file anymore.

- It's really production packaging,

getting everything ready to go on the site,

putting it out.

What I like about it too, we've been kicking around

a lot of ideas since we've gone live

and we've talked about different ways

that we can improve the cast.

And so even just taking better notes

and having something scripted when we're coming in,

I think has helped, it's helped me.

Because maybe before it was just more ad hoc,

I think we have a bit more structure to it now,

which I like that.

And we were talking just yesterday, I think, about--

well, you got on the topic about your sprint planning

and how you guys were looking at being better prepared

for the next sprint.

So you were going to open up like a second sprint, not

started, but you would have two--

the one that you're grooming to start,

and then one kind of behind it, which

is teed up a lot of the things you're

going to be doing afterwards, right?

one kind of in planning, right?

In planning.

That way you guys can go back as a tech group

and figure out estimates better,

if you need to create more tickets to distill it down.

You have time to do that.

Two weeks before, well, three weeks

before the sprint starts, two weeks, I guess two weeks.

Probably two weeks ahead.

I mean, it could be groomed even further ahead than that.

It is more just like a pool of things

that we need to research through, think through.

If we have any design questions, bubble those up.

If we have any questions for the rest of the business,

bubble those up.

So it's just a way to get out of the way

so that when you do get to the grooming process,

you can move through it pretty quickly and cleanly.

- Well, I think it makes a lot of sense,

and then you're more prepared going into it,

you know what's going on.

Anyway, I digress.

I like that idea, and it got me thinking about our casts

and how we prepare.

I don't usually prepare anything, you do all that.

- You're a little off the cuff.

- I just show up after a few beers and have a good time.

But it got me thinking we should prepare

for the cast a little bit better than that,

and so the idea there would be,

instead of just having the show notes for this week,

and then a couple days before,

few minutes before I look at it. We have two casts ahead now. So we've got show

notes for 26 and can start putting in ideas for topics and that sort of thing

there. That way after this wraps up and your 20 minutes are spent getting it

uploaded. We have time now. You don't have to worry about editing anymore. We can

jump into next week and start reading articles and getting prepared what we

want to talk about. Hopefully it'll be a little more thought out instead of just

off the cuff. Yeah, I think that I think it already already is like the notes today are pretty good and pretty complete

And I even have printouts here. You can't see. Oh, oh shit

This on the cast but this is the first time I've actually printed out an article man

You're wasting a lot of paper over there. We got there. I'm pretty wasteful, but that's okay. That's great

I think that's good. I like I had a chance to look at some of the things you sent me over. So that was nice

I'm not jumping in cold on this one. Look at that. We're growing up man. Yeah, we're actually gonna sound well

I won't say we'll sound intelligent. We'll leave that up for debate

That's one that's why bully we need bully on every once in a while just because we need someone who's a little more astute

You know he's he's a little fresher out of college than we are so he he knows how to do it

Yeah, we have some people on the slack channel. This is excellent. Yeah, we do we had a few new people that joined us live this week

Which is fucking awesome man because our like on that our numbers have started to to grow

You've been showing me the stats off of that square cast analytics

Yeah, we have a lot of subscribers a lot a lot more than I anticipated so that's very exciting like I'm gonna just I don't want it

Maybe we give it hundreds though

Hundreds like almost a thousand which I think we would have yeah prior to knowing that I think we would have expected maybe like

Less than a hundred maybe a hundred forty five. Oh, I think we got 50. That's cool, man, right

Yeah, so that's very exciting. I don't know how consistent that is

But I mean I do hear from people that say yeah

I mean, I know that I get harassed by Lester at least once a month when he's on a road trip

Or he's going to Port Orchard or something because he has nothing to listen to hey

He's getting an episode a week here for three straight weeks

He's got nothing to I know I and I haven't heard shit from him and he probably hasn't listened to any of them either

But when we're not doing the work then he wants to know what's going on

He's saving them for you know

He's gonna go in like what do you call that binge mode binge mode? Yeah, it's like you know

Well, that'll be the next evolution of the cast will just have seasons like oh we can do that

I can certainly mark seasons. Yeah, but I mean we'll just you know

Like maybe that'll be another project or something else, but then we just release all ten episodes for the year at once and everybody goes crazy


Get a big Netflix deal. Don't worry about that topic of technology that we talked about this now like 12 months old

It's okay

All this shit we talked about happened last year

No, he cares anymore like - like there's been two more iterations on the iPhone since we came out with the fucking episode

That's okay

Somebody like it. So it's great. Welcome to episode 25. So we've got a bunch of stuff brewing here

So first of all, I think we're gonna talk a little bit about some stuff from last week

Quitness quick fitness program follow-up. So quick fitness like what's quick fitness man? Are you just doing like a little sprint?

Little jog quick hot ones quick hot hot quick ones the HQ. Oh, yeah

Bringing it back nice and steamy. I like that. Oh, that's good

No, just quick check quick check up on what we talked about last week and we talked about kind of

Me wanting to kind of change everything up flip my kind of whole world upside down and you had where I'm at with that so

As of today at least

Most all of the things that I talked about are into effect. So I've definitely been on hole 30 now for

Well since Saturday, I guess so okay, we're going on four days five days something like that

How do you feel about this a big transition for you? What are you cutting out that you would have had before that's maybe

The big one for me is sugar

No sugar my family is a huge sweet tooth family. Yeah, so for me. That's really hard

Can you do stevia or anything like that? No none of that shit nothing nothing processed period. Yeah

No, basically no carbs for the most part. I mean unless they come from like vegetables or something like that. Yeah

What are the other rules here?

No legumes, so no legumes. I could give up legumes. Yeah, no beer probably though. No alcohol fuck dude

But that's it's mainly because alcohol is a sugar

Yeah, right it results in sugar. So that's that's definitely out a lot of the reason that this this the whole 30 became to be is and I think we've talked

About this before but it's an elimination diet primarily. It's not really a diet or weight loss or that's not that's not its original intent

Its original intent is to find

Things that you're allergic to okay, so you're supposed to get rid of dairy you're supposed to get rid of alcohol

You're supposed to get rid of sugars all inflammatory things, right?


And then see how you feel and maybe,

slowly add them back is the idea.


So we're working on that, that's going well,

at least for me, so far.

You had a nice looking salad today at lunch, I saw you up there.

That was a beast of a salad too.

I looked like a lot of food.

That was good stuff.

That's kind of the nice thing too,

is like they don't really put restrictions

on what you can eat.

I mean, okay, I lied, they do.

I just told you all kinds of restrictions.

Yeah, what the fuck?

But the amount is, I guess, more of the question.

So like that was a pretty heavy salad.

It had avocados, it had pecans, it had chicken.

It's not restricting calories.

It's just restricting certain food items.

You got it.


They do want you to kind of eat in moderation,

but they don't put any specific guidelines

about what that means.

And most people do this for 30 days?

Or is it really because it's a reset?

Or do some people just do this?

I guess some people do it forever.

Yeah, people will continue to do it further.

Like, there's whole 60.

There's whole 90, depends upon what people feel.

But yeah, 30 days is what the kind of the initial program is.

So that's what we're gonna do.

And today was a very good test.

Today was pretty stressful in the afternoon

for various reasons.

- It's fucking crazy today.

- Yeah, multiple interviews and down times

and all kinds of stuff going on.

So today was a great test of that

and I was able to not cheat, which was great.

- Well, I'm proud of you, man.

Good work, keep it up.

We had a great workout yesterday too, by the way.

- Dude, I'm feeling that.

- I'm feeling like it's progressively getting worse

by the hour.

Like I just went up some stairs and it hurts.

going up or down or down doesn't matter.

Yeah, tomorrow's gonna be bad

because it's usually that delayed onset day later.

The second day you feel it.

No, I'm feeling, I felt it a little bit this morning

like there was an irritation and then now it's like

in a couple more hours, I'm gonna be fucked.

- It was a great workout though.

I really, that was my first time doing CrossFit.

I really enjoyed it.

- Yeah.

- I mean, it was hard, don't get me wrong,

but like that is exactly what I wanted in a workout

and it was very, very difficult,

which is also what I wanted.

I wanted to be challenged.

- I thought it was a good day.

It's a terrible day to go

because they always do these chipper workouts on Tuesday.

So it's a high intensity interval training

and it's a lot of reps of a lot of different things.

A lot of body movements, squats, lunges, box jumps,

kettlebell swings, jumper rope, that sort of thing.

But it was good for that.

I'm happy that it was not a strength day

or something like that.

I was soaking wet after the whole thing.

- Did they name that day after you?

- The chipper, yeah, of course, man.

I mean, 'cause I'm always doing chipper workouts, dude.

All the time.

So I've been going, you know, they adopted that for me.

I thought that was cool.

- Yeah.

So I don't have too much more on that.

I think overall the plan so far is going well.

Haven't had any trouble adhering to it.

The plan is to go back to the gym on Friday.

We'll see.

That's kind of pending some of the soreness here

if I can move.

- I feel like if we can muster it, we should go.

When I started going to the first gym,

I just asked him point blank, how often should I go?

How much should I rest?

And he goes, look, dude, it's gonna suck.

no matter what, just go.

Because you're going to be sore for a few weeks.

So yeah, we'll see.

I think we should see.

But I started doing that.

I just went three days, four days, and it really sucked.

But then it got easy.

I definitely have no trouble fighting through soreness.

That doesn't bother me at all.

I mean, if that's the case, we can certainly do it.

But if it's tomorrow, tomorrow is

going to be hard to move, period.

So I can't even imagine trying to do dips and squats

And I kind of, you know, so like as long as I have a couple days to kind of let that

soreness string out a little bit, I think it'll be a little better.

Maybe I'll hit the treadmill tomorrow.

Oh, I don't know.

I needed to get back into that a little bit too.

Some more of the running.

That's what I had to talk to the guy about because he was like asking me how the workout

was going kind of midstream.

And I was like, look, man, like this is what I asked for.

This is what I wanted.

But it don't get me wrong.

It's difficult.

This is not my bread and butter.

Like I'm an endurance guy.

Like I'll do the same thing for hours upon hours upon hours and I can do that well, but this is definitely out of my element.

Yep, exactly.

And I think that's always the case with that.

That's what I like about CrossFit is they try to keep it fresh all the time.

So you're not, there's not a lot of repetition.

It's always a different muscle group, a different way of doing it, a push versus a pull or what, you know, every day, I feel like there's something new or fresh so that you're always going to get some soreness out of it.

But it's great.

I'm glad that you're doing it.

I'm glad that we got to do it together.

That helps the accountability piece is always nice.

So I haven't been there for a little while,

and it was good to get back at that.

Hopefully I can be a little more consistent.


I need to get my registration wrapped up with that, too,

now that I've been once.

I don't get any more freebies.

I think they'll give you one.

You could go one more time if you want to go this week.

All right.

I went with Adam.

Adam got me there, and I went--

before Christmas, I probably went three times, four times.

Right on.

They didn't kick me out.

They just wanted my money.

Let's move along. Let's talk about, uh, you got some new charging gear.

I'm pumped about it, dude. I've been, I,

this is a Kickstarter that did not take three years to get in the mail spin.

I'm still talking about you. Yeah.

I'm waiting for the March update now to tell me that they're in, you know,

pre-production, but I don't know. I don't know what's going on.

It's, it's going to take a while.

I'll tell you what,

it's going to be the Cadillac of coffee makers when that son of a bitch ships.

I mean, they've redone every part 18 times already. So it's just, you know,

it's going to be good.

That's going to be the show title, by the way.

Cadillac of Coffee Makers.

Yeah, Cadillac of Coffee Makers, the Spin.

Spin Deluxe.

I mean, I'm not bullshitting you, man.

Like, they've iterated on this thing so many times now.

Like, I'm not buying an MVP.

I'm buying, you know, the fourth generation.

So I'm very excited about it.

But yeah, I did get a battery charger,

because I've been using the Anker batteries.

They're great.

I like Anker products.

I have a lot of them.

They're very good.

They charge shit fast.


the IQ technology that bumps them up to whatever, like the highest possible speed that it can

charge at is, right?

You can't shove juice into a phone any quicker than an anchor charger does.

It's great.

But yeah, the problem is it doesn't have enough capability for a laptop, right?

You can get the iPod.

They don't make those anymore, do they?


Can you get the iPod?

Like iPod Touch?

Yeah, that's not what I meant.

They do make iPod Touch.

In fact, I think they're updating it.


But that's a story for another episode.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

So this charger is unique because it's called the hypercharger.

No, it's not.

It's called HyperJuice.

I do like hypercharger better though.

I was so excited.

I put the wrong thing in the notes.

It sounds like something right out of like space balls or something.

Yeah, the hypercharger charges your car.

No, this thing is cool because it's about the size of the large anchor batteries.

I don't know.

Would you say the thing weighs probably a couple pounds?

And what is the size even like?

It's definitely larger than a phone.

It's maybe two iPhones thick and a little longer.

I don't know.

I would say, yeah, two--

like the thickness of two phones, and then maybe if you

set two phones end to end.

So if you had four phones kind of end to end--

Like Macs.


Maybe smaller than that.

Roughly the size.

Well, I love about this thing, though.

It isn't space gray, so it matches the MacBook Pro.

That's very cool.

But the other thing that I like about it, it

charges all the devices.

So it'll charge the MacBook Pro 15 inch, the new one.

So it has 100 watt output on that for the Mac.

It also will do the iPad, iPad Pro, iPhone.

You can charge all three at the same time.

You can charge a MacBook Pro, an iPad Pro, and an iPhone

all at the same time concurrently.

And I thought that was pretty cool.

It will double the-- you'll get double the time out

of your MacBook Pro.

So if you get 10 hours or whatever they promise on that,

it'll give you another 10 hours for that device.

I don't know how many times it'll charge an iPhone, blah, blah,


But I think it's great.

Any more when I travel--

I don't know if you do this, but like any more when I travel,

I just bring the battery pack.

I don't even plug in, usually.

Well, that battery pack is huge.

So I can see how you could get away with that for sure.



But the other thing I think that's really

neat about this particular battery,

and I think as far as I know, the first of its kind,

that the fact that it can charge a laptop.

Like, I don't think there's any other battery maker out there

that makes anything powerful enough to manage that?

- I'm not aware of anything.

I've been looking for a long time for that feature

and I can't find it.

And so this is why I jumped on the Kickstarter.

They offered this thing last fall

and it was supposed to ship in December.

It shipped a little bit late.

I just got it yesterday, but that's not too bad.

Couple months off.

I thought that was fine.

Excited to use it on the next trip.

So that'll be pretty cool addition.

- I was there when you picked it up

I was able to handle a little bit versus like your anchor charger, which was a similar size. They're both kind of a similar

Dimension but the the new product here. What is it called again?

Hyper-charger the hyper juice hyper juice. Yeah, you can call it. Yeah

Yeah, it's a it's a much better build quality or at least feel than the anchor product

I don't know if it'll stand up over time, but it definitely feels like a nicer product. Yeah, and it's what?

Some kind of milled aluminum aluminium. It's a really nice

Space grave metallic finish

And I think the other thing that you I don't think you mentioned maybe you didn't but it'll do pass through charging

So you can actually be charging the battery and at the same time have something plugged into the outputs

And those will be charging in addition. That's right

You'll you'll lose one of the ports for obviously, but you can still charge two more devices

I think it's the phone in the iPad something like that. So maybe you lose the laptop

but well worth it because the other ones you can't do that it's either charging or

Well, at least the anchor that I had didn't do both and that's huge for like travel

Because we have this problem when I when we travel will have like oh well

We have two phones that we need to charge and we have you know, I don't know what we have a

So I don't know a handful of devices that we all need to get charged

But we only have limited capacity because now we have these adapters for their outlets which only give us like one outlet

You know and so if you can just plug in like that and then charge everything else off of that

Yep, and everything's charging all night long, you know boom

Well, Lionel Richie action there, man.

Was it?

All night long.

Hey, I do have a kind of a funny story to relay here.


Bring Bolly on, Lea.

Is he here today?

Yeah, he's here.

What, Joseph?

Hang on.

I got to mic him up.

We got a cold mic here.

Hang on a second.

We're going to find out.

I smoked the wacky weed.

That's going to get old if we do that anymore after this.

We're going to have to change out the sound effects.

No, there was a pretty funny story.

What was I talking about?

It was-- we were talking about charging of some variety.

But anyway, it was, oh, I know what it was.

I just got a recently, I think, called a Gita pad

for the Tesla.

- What?

- A Gita pad.

So really all it is is it's a replacement pad

that you can put into the car to replace the existing one

and it's a inductive charging unit.

So you plug it into your USB ports,

now you can set your phone down on the pad and it charges.

- Yeah.

- I was telling this to Bully and Bully stopped me

and he's like, wait, you can charge your car

with your phone?

- Oh God.

- I was like, what are you gonna get?

- Damn it, Bully.

- You're gonna get like a quarter mile

from your phone's battery.

- I take back what I said about him being so astute earlier,

making comments like that.

- I thought it was kind of funny.

- Yeah, like this, what's the phone gonna do?

It might give you a little radio,

might turn on the radio.

- Yeah, right?

- That'd be good.

- Turn on the headlights for five minutes.

- Yeah, turn on the headlights.

Oh geez, bully.

All right, on that note,

why don't we move over to the next section here, KJ.

(upbeat music)

Yeah, so this is going to be an interesting topic.

It's a little bit of an in-depth topic too.

But I recently joined you and I got the AirPods.


Apple AirPods.

And I also own the things that I'm wearing,

which is a pair of Bose, quite comfort, something.

I can't remember the name of the specific ones.

They're wireless headphones, Bluetooth wireless headphones.

But the QC3, maybe?

I mean, it's a later version, because I

had some of the earlier ones.

Maybe that sounds right.

Something like that.

But they're--

QC35, or I can't remember.

And yours are Bluetooth.

That's right.


So love them.

They're great headphones.

But the problem that I've kind of run into now with the AirPods

is like the sound that comes out of the AirPods

is phenomenal.


And now these sound very hollow by comparison.

Like no bass line, no nothing.

Like they're just super--

Very flat response kind of.

Flat, tinny sound compared to the AirPods.

And I was kind of trying to figure out why that is.

And I think number one, Apple's doing a lot of magic

with the audio sampling.

Like they're manipulating the audio.

- Totally.

- And that's a big part of it.

But then I also read this article here

that I have printed out.

And it was talking about the kind of throughput

that Bluetooth codecs can handle in Bluetooth headphones,

which to my knowledge, like if you talk to audiophile types,

they're gonna tell you, well, you can't get nearly

as good a sound through Bluetooth headsets

as you can through a wired.

- For sure, just the share bandwidth

wouldn't allow for that.

Oh, he got disconnected there.

- Unplugged my own headphones there.

- You need the Bluetooth ones, man,

so you don't have to worry about tripping on your cable.

- Maybe we can clip that little clip of me going,


- Yeah, we're gonna save that.

We need something on you,

since you have all the good ones for me.

- But yeah, so it's interesting because,

you know, you have what you would consider

to be like a super high quality product from Bose, right?

A pretty premium product.

And now I'm saying this product from Apple

is kind of outperforming it in some way.

That's an interesting debate, because I was always

into Bose products.

I like them a lot.

And I had the desktop clock.

Oh, yeah.

I know what you're talking about.

Yeah, I'm talking about--

The sound wave or whatever they call that thing, right?


Yeah, I used to have that in the office a long time ago

before I moved here.

But Bose, in the audiophile community,

is not seen in such high regards.

It's like people don't if you're into audio file gear most people tell you that Bose is not good quality stuff

But I don't think that means a separate debate. It's just interesting because yeah, like these clearly these little earbuds

They're not superior, but it's they're manipulating the audio in a way to get to get better perceived performance out of it

right, so, you know per the article they start talking about well the first thing you have to know about when it comes to audio is compression, right and

Compression is basically a way, really all it amounts to is an algorithm that is intelligent

enough to remove frequencies that may or may not be needed.

In order to hear the audio correctly.

So usually it's stuff that, usually it ranges that like humans can't perceive.

So that's compression.

And then you get into kind of the idea of lossy versus lossless audio.

Do you have explanation for that?

I do.

I mean loss list because essentially what you're doing here is you're taking an analog wave form

So you're taking a wave of the audio coming out the analog

Version and you're doing a calculus on it to take out samples, right?

I mean that's and that's where you get into bit rates and that sort of thing

So you can say well from do whatever the bit rate is at that many

I'm gonna take that many samples of the the audio and so the higher the bit rate the more samples you take therefore the more

the closer that you approximate the original sound

And the smaller the bit rate, the fewer samples you take,

so there's gonna be bigger gaps.

And the idea there is that you can have some level

of gapage, if you're making shit up here,

but you can have a certain level of that

that's still not, what, you can't hear that.

It's not perceptible.

But there is something lost there, it's not.

And so lost list is where you really preserve

the recording to the truest integrity

and it doesn't lose anything where it's like,

lossy is like MP3 would be a lossy format

because it was like so small and it had a sample.

And so you end up ditching a lot of the original material.

But I think there's another piece of it too,

where over time that you play it,

it can still lose some of its material.

Not certain about that as much.

I thought there was another component of that,

like not being the fidelity there,

like going away over time,

but like a wave file, for example,

would be a lossless format.

And so that's going to be a lot larger file size.

It's going to take a lot more space.

But it's going to maintain as much

of the integrity of the original sound wave as possible.


I think you landed mostly on it.

So Lossy is used primarily by music streaming services

with a few exceptions.

Smaller package, easier to stream, less data over the wire.

Like a good example of that, too, would be--

like, Tidal was really big for audio files in the beginning

because they offered, at the time, the highest level of quality

that you could get on a streaming service.

In the beginning, if you didn't have a good pipe,

you're not going to get-- you're going

to be buffering all the time.

So you start the song, it takes three seconds to start,

and then you're going to be--

it's choppy the whole way through,

but Spotify has come up, gotten closer.


So to your point, title is lossless, right?

And lossless is usually defined as a bit rate higher

than 500 kilobit per second.

- Okay.

- Right?

And yeah, to your point, it means that basically

the audio file has lost no quality, no artifacts,

no nothing, like it's the original.

It's close to the original as you can possibly be.

And again, like you said, that's used by title.

So what's interesting about these two things is like

the common argument that we made

even before we started talking about that

is that Bluetooth headphones are not able to take

enough data over the air to replicate

what a wired headphone can do.

That's where the argument comes in

and that Bluetooth headphones are not as high quality

as what a wired headphone is.

And this article is basically making the claim

that that's false.

- Oh really?

- And so the reason is that they basically said

that there's multiple different codecs.

So this is getting really, really deep into the weeds.

So codec is basically a set of instructions

that tell the Bluetooth how to interpret

the audio file, right?

- Right.

- So there's one that's known as SBC,

which is like the common, like the standard amongst everybody.

Like even if you have a different codec,

you fall back to SBC.

It's kind of generally regarded as a shitty codec,

but it's still out there and is used.

- Can we step back for a second?

I'm sorry to interrupt that,

but I wanna cover one thing,

'cause we mentioned compression,

we didn't really talk about compression though.

'Cause really we got the two things you've got,

sampling rates, which is like,

how many kilobits per second, the more that you sample,

the better the quality.

But the compression piece is interesting too,

because now you're chopping off parts of the waveform.

You're basically saying, we're going

to cut out in the spectrum of hearing from what?

I don't remember the low end.

But let's just say 0 hertz to 20,000 kilohertz

is like human hearing is in that range, right?

It's probably not 0 hertz.

I don't know how low the human ear can pick up.

But the compression piece would actually

truncate that to say, maybe we're on the low end,

we're only going to be at 1,000 Hertz,

and on the high end, maybe we're

only going to be 18,000 Hertz, or killer Hertz,

or something like that.

And so you lose-- it's not even a sampling issue anymore.

You just chop that off and then try to sample.

And so I think that's the other problem,

is that you lose the low lows and the highs.

The top and the bottom of the range.

You chop that.

Just keep the middle of the wave form, if you will.


I just wanted to cover that.

I didn't mean to interrupt you there.

Now we can kind of go into the continue on.

No, it's good.

So Apple, the Apple products, which you and I both use here.

We have a pile of them on the table,

primarily uses ACC codec, which is, like again,

commonly found in Apple products.

However, Android is starting to bring that in.

AAC, is that what I said?

AAC, is that what I said?

Or did I say ACC?

I heard one, I think I heard the other thing.

Yeah, whatever, I probably misspoke.

Excuse me.

So ACC is not an open standard, which is a problem.


So all the vendors that want to implement it have to pay a license fee.

So that's why Android has been slow about kind of implementing it.

However, the thing about it is that with that codec, if you have a file that's encoded ACC,


>> AAC, yep.

>> Sorry, I keep saying that incorrectly.

>> And you have -- >> ACC is a Rappahoe Community College

where I come from, bro.

>> That's exactly what I was thinking.

>> Anyway, carry on.

If the file is encoded with AAC, and you have the AAC codec on your Bluetooth headset,

then no compression needs to occur to get that to go across the wire.

It'll do pass through sort of there.

So that's where they're saying, at this point, if you have an ACC...

I don't know if I can take a drink every time you say that.

We're going to be drunk in five minutes.

So anything encoded with AAC will sound the same, whether it's on Bluetooth or going over

the wire is the argument there.


And then at that point, your limitation is going to be on the sound piece itself, like

whatever equipment you have reproducing the sound, right?

I mean, you're saying the transmission now is going to be equal, wireless or wired.

And it really is just up to the components that are in your ear or on your ear that are

going to distort that or whatever.


- Yeah, so I just thought that was an interesting set

of articles 'cause I was like, okay, number one,

the Apple Bluetooth headphones are putting out

some amazing sound and again, I think that's Apple

manipulating the sound to what they think sounds the best.

So there's some sort of software engineering going on there.

But on the same token, I think the signal sending

from the iPhone to the AirPods has significantly improved

since some of the earlier sets of headphones,

mainly due to these codecs.

Yeah, I think that's, I'm glad you brought that up

because yeah, I was really happy with them

and I didn't have a good explanation for it at first.

I thought, well, how the hell is this possible?

These are tiny, they don't have any kind of real

typical like Twitter woofer stuff.

There's nothing in there.

How much can they fit in this little spot?

And I actually think going back to the Bose thing

from earlier, that's how Bose has been able

to achieve success from a lot of people too.

They do produce some pretty deep base

for being a little tabletop radio, right?

And they have some sophisticated technology that does that.

Like if you look at a side, a cross cut

of one of their speakers, like the woofer portion of it,

they have a big series of tubes

that tries to create more space in the confined area.

So it gives it time to magnify the sound

and give you that lower bass sound.

Oh, you're gonna lose your headphone again.

Okay, Jay's got a new chord, new chord today.

- So the interesting thing that I noticed us the most on

is when I'm listening back to the podcast.

So like if you play the intro, right?

- Yeah.

- And you hear this kind of thumping beat right here.

- Yes.

- That guy sounds super thumpy in the AirPods.

- Yes.

- Whereas like if I listen to it on my Bose headset,

not so much.

- Wow.

- So that's where I noticed it the most,

but it was just an interesting, I don't know,

and then I think I found this article

about the same time I got the AirPods

and I was just like, wow, that's kind of a good description

and I never really understood audio codecs and all that kind of stuff. So it was a good

primer for me. It was a good explanation as to why the sound was different. And so I thought

I'd bring it up on the show.

But it's a good thing and it is, it is a bit out there. Like I don't know how many people

want to go that deep on it, but I'm interested in it, especially for trying to reproduce

sound and being a very new audio file, but having some decent gear. I mean, I have the

Sennheiser, you know, 600s and well, what is it? I think it was, it was the 6XX, which

was like the reproduction of the 580s or something. I don't remember.

Is that the mass drop deal that you got? Yeah. Yeah. Having those,

those open air headphones and then the audio technicas. But you know,

with with separate amps, like I've got like the shit audio and I'm not saying

shit. I'm saying SCH ITT shit audio amps. So just getting a step up from just

your computer's headphone jack and and it's it becomes a bigger deal. It is

confusing to understand because even on the computer you have windows that

manipulates the sound and so unless you do certain things to disable that it's

not necessarily going to pass through the audio it's going to do some kind of

resampling for you which you don't want to have happen if you want to have as

close to the original sound as possible. Yeah and the other thing I think that

made this interesting to talk about is because we we've spent a pretty good

amount of money here on microphones and the board and all that kind of stuff so

We do care about sound.

So I mean, it's a pretty important discussion

to have and interesting topics.

Yeah, at least to be aware of how it works

and all the different steps where things can go wrong

or where a quality could suffer.

Very important.

If we want to sound silky smooth on the other end.


So speaking of Bluetooth and moving on

to the news topics here,

I have a really cool news topic that I've had

sitting in the hopper for a little while

and that's that a new Bluetooth chip was announced

that, oh, actually, before we move on to that,

I do have one more thing.

I don't want to forget about this.

I think this is actually really interesting regarding the lossy versus lossless topic.

And that is there's a test from NPR where you can go onto the website and you can listen

to audio samples and it'll play it for you and then you can pick what type of compression

or do you know basically do you think this is like the highest, the lowest or I think

it's like high mid or low quality, something like that.

And it's blind.

They're not going to tell you what it is.


And then at the end, they'll give you an answer as to how you did.


So there's a lot of arguments in, you know, in audio file communities versus, you know,

in lossy versus lossless about whether or not you can actually hear the difference or if there is

a difference or whatever the case may be. So this actually will help you see if your ears can pick

that up. And when I ran it, I was able to pick it up. You did. I did pretty well. I think I only

missed like one. And what what airpiece did you use for that? Was that the AirPods?

Pretty sure I use this guy. These are Bose. The Bose headset. Yep. Okay.

Interesting. So maybe it was a fluke. I don't know, but I seem to sample it pretty okay.

So I'll put that in the show notes if anybody's interested in running through the test. So feel

free to look for it there. It'll be on the website once the episode gets published.

I've done something similar to that before and I think that's a fun thing to do, especially with

some audiophile guys that I know because it's a lot of times people are just full of shit and

they don't know the difference too. So it's hard to tell sometimes and you need certain equipment

sometimes to be able to pick that up like ordinary headphones are probably not

going to do the trick. I mean even if I am able to hear it which seemingly I am

the details are so minor yeah right it's it's so such minor that most people

aren't gonna give a shit. It would be even more noticeable if you had maybe

not maybe headphones are not the best example right if you had a set of floor

standing speakers that had with some pretty good amplification behind it and

good equipment might be more noticeable.


I've been in some demo rooms.

When I was back in the biz, we would

go to a consumer electronic show and do some other industry

events where people had demo rooms where the speakers were

a quarter million dollars.

I mean, just absurd.

At that point, it's just so high-ended stupid.

But when you get in there and you listen to some

of the original recordings and you close your eyes,

you can't really tell that you're not in a concert hall

listening to the music.

It's just mind-blowing.

That would be amazing to see in here.

- Yeah.

- So sorry to go back to that,

but let's move on to another Bluetooth technology

since we're on the subject of Bluetooth.

And that is a chip, a Bluetooth chip.

So the same thing as what we're talking about,

Bluetooth devices, you know,

Internet of Things devices

that rely on Bluetooth for connectivity.

- Yeah.

- But this particular Bluetooth chip

doesn't need any battery source

and it's able to harvest energy from the air.

- That sounds like some voodoo bullshit there.

What's going on here?

It's really cool.

So it's a paper thin Bluetooth chip

that they're going to be offering.

I don't think it's till 2020, if I'm not mistaken.

But it doesn't need its own battery.

It can be extraordinarily cheap to make.

So the product is from Williott, I think,

is the name of the company.

And it's able to harvest frequencies,

like radio frequencies, from the air.

And that's how it gets its power.

It's low power.

And basically, the way that it works

is it kind of wakes up at some kind of cadence

and is able to report something.

So the instances that they use,

that they talk about using it is like maybe

in like a supermarket, you know,

they might use it for pricing.

So you might have a computerized price display

and this thing would wake up every 10 minutes

and update the price or something like that.

But continually powered, never has to be powered.

- That's fascinating.

So there's enough, and it makes sense.

It's working like an antenna.

It's like your leaf.

It's picking up airwaves passively,

but it's able to charge enough power from that to wake up.

That's cool.

Yeah, which is-- it's really-- I mean,

the possibilities there are kind of fascinating

to start to think about.

They don't really go into that in the article,

but when you think about something

that can broadcast a piece of information

without having any power on a consistent basis,

that's pretty powerful technology.

Yeah, that's--

Big time change for the industry as a whole.

That'd be a game changer.

Yeah, that's always been an issue,

even with low power Bluetooth and that sort of thing.

Like you have to have a battery on the device.

And so you've got space constraints, right?

You have to have enough room for the little disc battery,

whatever the hell you're doing.

And then even at that, it's gotta be swapped out

probably every year, if not sooner.

- Right.

Yeah, so a couple other things I talk about

is like tracking items through supply chain management,

maybe using it as a temperature sensor.

I mean, the possibilities here are kind of endless.

I thought it was really fascinating when this came out

and was a news article,

'cause like just the idea of anything,

anything electronic that doesn't need a power source,

that's like unheard of.

- Yeah.

Yeah, we're getting there.

With these low power devices though,

they're so tiny that you can do that kind of a thing with.

- Well, and they already have Bluetooth,

they already have low power Bluetooth as it is.

- Yeah.

- Right, like a lot of devices have that implemented.

I think even my like bike computer has low power Bluetooth

enabled on it, but this is like a whole different ball game.

No power.



Let's move on.

So foldable technology, foldable phone technology.

This is a huge announcement.

You hear about this?

I did hear about this.


There were a couple announcements last week.

There was an event in Barcelona.

And so two companies.

I don't always get this wrong.

It's Huawei.


I don't know how you pronounce it.

I always thought it was like Hawaii or something.

- Hawaii, maybe Hawaii, that makes more sense.

I don't know.

We're gonna go with Hawaii, but Hawaii and Samsung

both unveiled new phones that are consumer-ready.

I mean, they're gonna be selling soon.

They're not on the market today, but they're coming out.

These aren't just like prototypes in the lab.

Like these are ready for pre-order

and they're foldable screens.

They're using the new OLED technology.

They're on hinges and so you've got what looks like

a little thicker cell phone than your iPhone would be,

slightly thicker than that, and it's folded in half,

and so you have one screen on the front,

and then when you open it up,

there's a screen on the inside

that it looks like a small tablet.

- I watch them do this in the demo,

and I don't, I mean, on the one hand,

like that's pretty amazing when you come from,

like the land of liquid crystal displays

and that sort of thing, and like you could

not flex them at all without them like changing color,

and getting all this weird artifacting and warping

and different stuff like that.

But on the other hand, I was like somewhat,

I don't know, it seems sad to say I'm underwhelmed

by the technology, but it just doesn't look futuristic

to me for some reason.

- Really?

I think it still looks like a prototype to me.

I would agree with that.

And it's impressive that you can do it at least.

It's nice to see that there could be a convergence there

where you don't have to have a separate tablet and a phone.

I think you'd have to get a little more--

well, work on the size for one thing,

because that's a small tablet screen still.

But the price is just outrageous.

I mean, they wanted what they started $2,000.


Which, yeah, I think I was reading that they were like,

well, we just got over the fact that we

had to spend $1,000 on a phone, and now you're

going to ask two grand.


That's going to be a hard pill to swallow.


And they both have different approaches.

So the Samsung one is two separate screens.

You've got the big screen is when it's closed,

you can't see it because it's inside

and you just have a secondary smaller screen on the outside,

whereas the Huawei one is the opposite.

Like they hinge the opposite direction,

so the screen is on the outer edge

and when it's closed, you just see one side of it.

I will say this, one thing I did like about the presentation

that Samsung gave on the Fold is that they have,

like well they have a couple of features that are neat.

They have this continuity feature where if you're on the single mode, single screen,

let's say you're on Facebook just scrolling and checking things, then you see a video

that you like.

You can open up the phone and it will transfer the video to the big screen.

It's pretty seamless.

You can go back and forth without having to reopen anything or configure anything.

I thought that was kind of nice if you wanted to see a bigger view.

The other part was the multitasking feature.

They have true multi-app tasking where you can have three applications open.

You're watching the video, you want to pull up a map so you can load Google on the bottom.

You can do two side by side or even have a third.

You've got two screens on the right, one on top of the other, and then the other two-thirds

of the screen is for the video you're watching.

So if you want to have a text message and look up some shit on Google and watch a video,

you can do all that on the phone.

- Well, correct me if I'm wrong though.

I think most of these demos were all done

by the manufacturers.

Like nobody actually, as I understand it,

got hands on these devices

when we were able to play around with them.

So they're pretty, as far as I know,

they're pretty locked down

and nobody's ever had any hands on work with them, right?

So I guess the reason I say that is because, you know,

the manufacturers can make the demos look pretty flashy

and pretty sexy without much effort

because nobody else is gonna actually

be calling them on their shit, right?

- Right, sure, it's very early stage,

but they're coming out soon

and they're going to make massive improvements now.

There's gonna be a race now that you have two of them

out there, 'cause I think Samsung,

Samsung was first to release it,

and then, well, it was mid-week,

I think it maybe was Thursday,

and then a couple, by the weekend,

Hway announced theirs,

and so you're gonna see a slurry of other people

coming out with options.

And, I mean, the other part too,

I was reading about this in the paper this morning,

is that it does give these guys a bit of a competitive edge.

Apple, there was analysts saying that Apple was probably

two years away from having this technology.

Yeah, there's a race to be first, just like any other technology.

So if you're the first on the market,

chances are you're going to grab a full-the-market share,

and people are going to default to you,

just like Apple did with touchable phone technology.

Well, I mean, they weren't the first.

They were the first with the super slick display

and that sort of thing, right?

Palm was a thing, but it was still pretty primitive.

- But at that point, you didn't,

like the idea of having a screen without a keyboard,

did we talk about this on the cast?

But there was a very cool interview that was done

with the product designers of the original iPhone,

and they talked about going away from the physical keyboard,

and how much of a challenge that was?

Like they had to use artificial intelligence,

machine learning type algorithms

to get that screen keyboard to work properly.

Like in the early days, they had set a group of engineers

that the keyboard wasn't working well,

and they sent a group of engineers,

what would they do?

They pulled them from other projects.

So maybe from Mac or from other things that said,

listen, like we've got a huge fucking problem

with this keyboard, it doesn't work,

it's not snappy enough or too many misses.

And we're gonna give you all a spike to go off

and figure out how to design your own keyboard.

And so they sent different engineers off on their own

and locked them in a closet and said,

okay, go ahead and build a better keyboard.

and everybody came up with different designs.

One was like, oh, you're going to use your finger

to draw the character or various iterations on the idea.

And the one guy that-- his group that won, what he did was--

they used predictive learning to say,

like, if you type this character,

then we're going to try to predict

which one you're going to hit next.

And then, obviously, the more characters,

the higher the accuracy sort of thing.

So what would happen is, like, if they

knew that you were going to type at and you type in A,

Like then the T, the area around the T

is going to be enlarged.

So even though it looks the same size on the screen,

you can actually move your finger around the edge of the T

or even above or below it.

And it's going to pick that up still

because it thinks that that's what you're going for,

not anything around it.

So the visual remains the same, but the touch area increases.

Yeah, so to the user, you don't notice any difference,

but the selectable area for that character

just got 100% bigger, 50%, whatever it was, right?

That's right.

Magnitude bigger.

And that's how they ultimately launch the original phone

is with that technology to do that.

- That's really cool 'cause that's like a,

that's totally an unknown,

like you would never know that that is there.

- No, right?

- No, you just assume, oh, I'm just really good

and I'm just pecking in the right place

when really we're all over the place.

- Right.

- Doing a shitty job and the software makes it better for us.

- That's cool.

- So I thought that was really neat, yeah.

- Well, yeah, I think whoever's first to this

kind of foldable technology is clearly gonna be

the market leader, but the question is,

Are we in a point in technology where so many people

are players in the game and so many people are trying

to get to the front that we're sacrificing,

that's a good point for Apple, right?

Like Apple isn't always in first place,

but they always usually wanna keep the quality

very, very high, generally speaking,

or at least it used to be the way it worked.

- Used to be the way, yeah.

- So these guys are gonna get out their way in front,

but it might be a shitty product.

So then Apple may come in later,

even a year later, even two years later,

and say, oh, we got this thing,

and this thing really kick ass.

Suddenly now the market shifts over to them.

So it's hard to say what it looks like.

Like for me, when I look at these things,

they seem pretty primitive.

They seem kind of hokey a little bit.

It's cool technology just because, like I said,

this LCD screen on my laptop, super rigid.

If I've been it crack in half, like so it's really crazy

to be able to see something fold like that.

But still very early and still very primitive, I think.

- Well, I think there's a certain thing to say about market

being first to market.

So even though Apple did have a quality product,

it wasn't a finished product,

but I would say it's more polished

than maybe these devices are.

And so maybe they were too quick to go to market,

even though they have a competitive advantage

that's maybe a year or two.

I don't know, that's true or not, but if they did,

they still might be able to capture

and will they capture enough market share?

I think the couple of things going against them

is that who wants to spend $2,000 on a phone?

And if it's bulkier than the current one I have,

I don't know if it's solving all the problems.

It's given me something that's a nice to have,

but I don't know if it's worth the trade-off.

I don't know if I'd want to pay a thousand for it.

Like, it just, to me, it doesn't seem that compelling

to have a little bit bigger screen.

- And is there a risk, possibly, in the fact

that they've shown their cards already?

What is the product that's at least a year away?

- I don't know.

I thought it was sooner than that,

but I don't think they've been firm on release dates either.

- Right, so now they've already shown what they've got.

They've shown their cards.

Apple knows what they have now, right?

Apple's competing.

- Yeah.

- So now Apple knows exactly where they are

in terms of the market with them, right?

So like, they've kind of shown everything they've got.

- I think I saw, I think Waz is working on a competitive.

You know, one of those.

- Waz is working on everything.

- Waz is.

- I swear that guy's got his hands in there.

- I think he's in his garage right now,

soldering some shit together, man.

- Smoking a little wacky weed.

- Oh, with Joseph, that's where Bully is tonight.

- I just tempted you to push that button.

- I almost like reflexively reached over there

and I said, I can't do it twice in one show.

Nobody wants to hear that again.

- But the Boli doesn't want to hear that again.

- Yeah.

Well, what if you, so there's the folding screen phone

for those of you that want to have a bigger screen

in your pocket.

But what if you want to have the phone

that you can talk on for three days straight, Kyle?

What are you going to do then?

- You're talking about this gigantic,

who was it, was it Energizer?

Duracell, one of the big batteries.

- It's Energizer, dude.

Energizer, Bunnies, there's about a hundred million

of them in this phone, man.

It's crazy. - They created a brick.

Like it's a brick of a phone.

But yeah, it'll, it'll.

This thing's got to be close to three iPhones stacked up.

- If not more.

- I think it's gotta be three or four.

I mean, it's fucking huge.

It's like a Snickers bar sized thickness, king size.

And then, you know, like the regular footprint of a phone.

- Yeah, so iPhone 10, its battery is what?

2700 is a milliamp, right?

- Milliamp hours, yeah.

- This thing is 18,000.

- Huge, huge.

The whole battery pack I told you about from my laptop,

that's 28,000 milliamp hours.

So this is like 10,000 short of that.

And my thing can charge three devices a few times.

- So there you go, maybe you need to buy one of these.

You can plug in your laptop to it,

charge it from your phone.

- That's crazy.

- Then you can get rid of this device altogether.

- It has five cameras.

- Why the hell does it have five cameras?

- You can take five selfies at once, man.

- All kinds of angles, I don't, yeah.

I saw this and I just kind of giggled a little bit

'cause I was just like, dude, like this is like such,

it's like a novelty product.

- This is the kind of thing that I would expect Energizer

to release on April Fool's Day,

is like, look at this fucking crazy thing that we developed

that we didn't really develop, ha ha.

But no, this is like, this is fucking real.

I didn't even know Energizer did phones, man.

- Let's just make something as big as possible

just for the sake of making it as big as possible.

- The PowerMax P18K Pop.

Now, Bully, I think this one can charge a car.

- You could get 10 miles out of this bad boy.

- It's crazy.

hold okay it says that it can hold a 90 hour phone call on a single charge where

only Apple can only do 21 hours you know because a lot of people who's on the

phone these days anyway how many text messages is that worth well you can do

100 hours of music playback okay iPhone only 60 iPhone X yeah the iPhone 10

whatever it is two days worth of video playback wow see that would be cool I

I can watch, binge watch over a weekend on my K-pop,

if I'm stranded somewhere.

- Movie marathon, Better Call Saul,

watch the whole series, bam.

- Yeah, if I wanna watch Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul,

like Soup to Nuts, like I could put it on this phone,

go to Jamaica or go to the Easter Island or somewhere

where there's nothing going on, and I'm set.

So I like that, that's a good option.

- Yeah, that's pretty, I don't know.

I saw this story, like I said, I kinda just glossed over it.

I was like, that's crazy that the battery's so large

that it's attached physically to the phone, but I was just kind of like this is kind of

ridiculous. I assume this has got to be running Android.

It's running Android. It can last up to 50 days or a month and a half, about a month and

a half on standby.

Well, if you're ever going to be stranded on an island, this would be the phone to take

with you.

So that's the only thing I would say is that, yeah, I suppose you have yourself a good emergency

device. If you had it powered off hidden somewhere next to the gun in the dresser drawer, your

bailout bag, you know. If you have one of those like bug out bags.

Bug out bag, yeah.

have a couple of these in my bug out bag with some movies Netflix movies on there

you know a couple cans of tuna and my k-pop 18k pro tuna and your energizer

phone get that in my bug my bug out bag man and then like when you know like when

the next hurricane hits or whatever we fall into the coast over here into the

ocean I'll just be heading for the Hills man speaking better call so we haven't

done this in a while any what's what's been your latest binge watching program

Did I put that on the list because I was gonna add that to the list. That's fucking crazy, dude

No, I didn't I didn't add that to the list. You just asked me that oh, man

Dude, I was gonna type that on there yesterday like what shows any new shows. We've done this a few times before

Yeah, I don't know is there any any new things that you've been checking out

Yeah, there's a few things I've been watching I got into Ozark recently, which is not new but that's new to me

I've heard that shows great. I haven't watched any of it, but I've heard it's fantastic

The new one that's only a couple weeks old that I just binge watched last week's Russian doll

Fucking awesome. That flicks. I've never heard of that one. Yeah, Natasha Leon. She's the gal that was on orange

Is new black and also an American pie

Okay, is like the lead star. It was something that she did with Amy Poehler and

It's kind of like a Groundhog's Day

Scenario where like it's her it's her birthday and she keeps waking up like the next day like dies and then wakes up the next day

and I don't want to give away too much, but it's

Super interesting and it gets a little metaphysical and talks about like possible worlds type stuff

And so it gets a little deeper and I like that like those kinds of movies shows series, whatever all right and

So I thought it was really well done. They they pitched it for three seasons

They've done one and I would hope that they do another one because I thought it was really good

But and I would recommend it because it's shorter episodes too

So it's less than it's like 27 minutes an episode and there's eight in the first season

So I mean, I plowed through it like Sunday afternoon.


NBD, man.


No big deal.

What about you?

TV shows.

We watched the second part of Making a Murderer, which

is an interesting series.

I saw a few of those episodes.

I didn't get through the whole season, but OK.

So we watched those.

I wouldn't say we've been binged watched them.

I mean, we might have watched a few at a time.

But pretty fascinating.

And actually, I think as of yesterday,

the primary character in the show or the series,

I think his name's Steven Avery, was granted a new trial.

So that's kind of a big deal.

- Okay.

- 'Cause that's what they've been fighting for

for a really long time.

So if you haven't checked out the making of a murderer,

making a murderer series, it's on Netflix.

It's a really interesting story about a guy

who has once been wrongly accused.

And they think, at least the whole point of the series

is to kind of question that maybe he's been wrongly accused again.

Damn, man.

That's some fucking luck.

He should buy a lottery ticket if he gets out of this thing.

Getting nailed twice falsely.


So I watched that.

In terms of movies or any of that kind of thing,

I think the only thing that I watch is an older movie.

It's not old, but I think it's called "Gone Girl."

I think that's the name of the movie, which

is an interesting psychological thriller type movie

and kind of a who done it or how did they do it type of movie.

and they kind of keep exposing more and more and more

as you go along.

So you kind of are always like,

how the hell did that happen type of thing?

- Yeah.

- So really interesting movie.

I watched that on one of my Delta flights to kill some time.

But it was really good.

Really disturbing, but really good.

- I have a growing list of these things that I need to watch.

And part of the problem is like statistics.

Here's the deal.

I just saw this the other day too.

The good old Wall Street Journal is good

for these little factoids, man.

I picked some of this shit up.

But back in, okay, I'm gonna get the year wrong,

But I'm gonna say 2008, 2009, there was 150 new shows.

I mean, this was when like network TV

was still kind of going, right?

There were 150 new series that were released.

This year, this last year with Netflix and Hulu

and all these guys creating their own shit, Amazon Prime,

almost 500 shows, 500 series.

How can you keep up?

I mean, that's what's the multiplier on that?

three times, four times.

I mean, think about how many more series are out there now.

It's insane, man. - Yeah, it seems like

there's a new hot series out there every month.

- Content overload.

I mean, I'm hearing about shit.

Someone was telling me about umbrella,

something, something, what was that?

I mean, every day I hear about three more

and I'm like, man, I just don't have enough time.

- And they're coming out with more networks, right?

Like Disney's gonna create their own streaming service.

Like other people are creating other ones.

So like it's just, yeah, there's just more and more

and more coming to market.

- Yeah. - Which is interesting

because now we're kind of going down the rabbit hole,

But like how can cable survive this?

Right? Yeah, I've been wanting them to be fucked for a long time.

So I'm kind of happy about it.

But yeah, it's just going to mean new guys are going to come in.

Yeah, you're going to see this big expansion and then a contraction

because there's it's going to weed out some people and some people are going

winners and losers and then you'll have a few people.

Well, ultimately, what you're going to end up with is is Netflix, Amazon.

Those providers are going to become the new cable company

because now you're going to have to package those somehow. Right.

Right, because otherwise now you have to subscribe to 850 online services.

Yeah, to get your channels or your videos or whatever you want to get.

So like the problem is just being moved into the cloud.

It's being shifted. Yeah. Yeah, I agree.

It's OK right now.

It's still affordable.

It still comes with my prime membership, you know, so I'm OK with that.

And but yeah, lots of stuff out there to see KJ.

I'm glad you good idea.

Good thing to bring up there.

And that with that, we're kind of at the end of the hour already.

I don't know how we cranked out another one,

but we got 25 in the books there.

So why don't you bring us home, brother?

- 25 episodes.

- I wanna say this first, stay tuned for next week,

'cause we're gonna have some pretty cool stuff.

I think we're gonna talk about,

we should announce the topic when we know it.

I think we're gonna talk about organizing your tech teams.

- I think you're right.

- Stay tuned for that one. - I think that'll be

a good one, yeah.

So as always, you can contact us on Twitter.

- Chipper SF.

- Chipper SF, Mike is at Chipper SF.

I am at Kyle P. Johnson and the show is at CoffeeCodeCast.

Email us at coffeecodecast@gmail.com.

Website is coffeecodecast.com.

And of course you can follow us on wherever you get

your podcasts and while you're at it,

go on over to www.coffeecodecast.com/review.

Give us a review, let us know your thoughts on the show,

let us know you're out there.

We know people are there,

so we would appreciate the review

and we'll see you next week.
